Five lit fest events you shouldn’t miss
Get spooked New Hampshire horror stories will be read 5 to 7 p.m. Friday at the Barley House on Main Street. Authors in the newly published, “Live Free or Undead,” will read from this collection of horror stories that take place in New Hampshire. Scheduled writers are Becky Rule, “The Haze,” James Patrick Kelly, “The Waiting Room,” Brendan DuBois, “Uneasy Lies the Head,” Ernesto Burden, “Live Free or Undead,” David O’Keefe, “Wonders...
If you've always wanted to be the highest bidder . . .
It's 5:30 on a Thursday night and the Concord Auction Center is buzzing with excitement. Dozens of bargain-hungry shoppers and antiques aficionados are circling the hall like sharks, eyeing the goodies laid out on the rows of tables before them. The older folks in the crowd have already grabbed their dinners – chili, egg salad sandwiches and Greek salads are on the menu this week – and bide their time waiting for the...
If you've always wanted to be the highest bidder . . .
It's 5:30 on a Thursday night and the Concord Auction Center is buzzing with excitement. Dozens of bargain-hungry shoppers and antiques aficionados are circling the hall like sharks, eyeing the goodies laid out on the rows of tables before them. The older folks in the crowd have already grabbed their dinners – chili, egg salad sandwiches and Greek salads are on the menu this week – and bide their time waiting for the...
Photo exhibit takes an up-close look at the small things
Three gravestones catch my eye. Each one has a single word printed across it. Brother. Mother. Father. The stones are simple yet profound, which is why I stop. “When I die, will people sum me up with just one word?” I think to myself. This is a weighty thought for 1 p.m. on a Wednesday. I’m usually thinking about the Lean Cuisine waiting for me in the freezer. You can find these particular stones at Blossom Hill Cemetery, but I saw...
Children's author David Elliott plays along
We’re just a bunch of big kids at heart here at The Insider, so when we heard children’s author and Warner resident David Elliott was coming to Gibson’s Bookstore, 27 S. Main St., on Nov. 21 at 3 p.m. to promote his new book, “Finn Throws a Fit” (Illustrated by Timothy Basil Ering) we were instantly giddy. Not that David needs to do much promoting. “Finn Throws a Fit” has already been favorably reviewed by “Publishers Weekly” and “The...