Can't have a brown-bag lunch without some trees
Trees were the topic of a recent brown-bag lunch sponsored by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The event was held at OLLI's new 25 Hall St. location.Dave Anderson talked about the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, which has been a driving force in protecting over a million acres of New Hampshire forests since 1901.”Our mission in the next quarter century is to protect an additional one million acres...
With 300 issues in the can, what does our future hold?
Here's to the first 300 issues of the Insider! And here's to 300 more! And more! And – ow! You didn't need to hit me to say you got my point. Sheesh. How is it that every single person reading this column wanted to hit me at the same time, anyway?There are two things I know about the Insider's run so far. The first is that the editor must have some kind of wild voodoo power if a reader can hit a columnist's...
Octagenerian author Mara Clark is addicted to danger
Like any blossoming author, Mara Clark is excited. Anxious, even. She has scheduled the requisite book signing and local television appearance to promote the release of her first novel, and has several other pieces in the works, a few of which are almost complete.In terms of anticipation, she's like any other emerging writer. The comparisons, though, end there.Clark turns 82 next month.The Havenwood-Heritage Heights resident will...
City Briefly
Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell dons his snappiest bomber jacket and goggles, refuels the old Cessna and takes to the skies to twirl out a city memo in puffy skywriting. We were perched comfortably on terra firma, taking down the entire smoky thing.Rock the votePolls open Nov. 8On Nov. 8, residents will have the opportunity to vote for members of city council, specifically mayor, at-large councilors and ward councilors, Aspell...
The Insider goes to space
When you're a little kid, there are only a few professions you could imagine being when you grow up. Cowboy? Princess, perhaps? Maybe a baseball player? One that always seems to make that short list is astronaut. Flying around in space, floating in zero gravity and hanging out with David Bowie, the life of a spaceman (or spacewoman) seems pretty sweet. Mecca for the Granite State's aspiring astronauts must be the...