This Week In Concord History

Dec. 16, 2000: Rick Trombly, who lost his bid for re-election to the state Senate a month ago, is among 11 applicants interviewing to fill a vacancy on the Merrimack County Commission, the Monitor reports. He will soon be given the job by the panel of judges making the selection.Dec. 16, 1976: Gov. Mel Thomson announces he will have state troopers stationed at border liquor stores to harass out-of-state tax agents who sometimes try to...

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The United Way guide to gifts and giving

The United Way guide to gifts and giving

The thought of battling holiday crowds during the upcoming shopping season can be daunting, but it’s nowhere near as daunting as the realization that you can’t be part of that crowd at all.  There are many in our community who are dealing with that very dilemma right now, but we can rally together and help them out. There’s never a bad time to volunteer or give, but it’s particularly important during the holidays.That’s why every year...

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City briefly

Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell thinks it’s spring. But he’s wrong. Each week. It’s still winter. When will it stop being winter?Does a bridge make a sound?But there’s a hearingFinal design and permitting to replace the Sewalls Falls Bridge began in late 2013 and included the development of a bridge type, size and location study, Aspell writes. Eye color and favorite pizza topping were not included in the study.The study, developed...

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You win when Red River teams up with New York Film Critics Series

Red River Theatres has partnered with the New York Film Critics Series to present live, national, in-theater screenings.The events are moderated by Peter Travers, film critic for Rolling Stone Magazine and ABC’s Popcorn, along with additional coverage by Alison Bailes of More Magazine, WOR Radio, and The Charlie Rose Show. The series presents interactive, in-theater, pre-release movies and big screen HD simulcast with the stars and...

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The SNOB takes Concord, again

The SNOB takes Concord, again

The SNOB Film Festival rolls into Concord again this week, marking its 12th year.  And we at the Insider are happy to once again be your guide to the show. At this point, we’d like to ask you to silence all cell phones and keep conversations to a hush.Not only is the SNOB Festival back, it comes with a new focus on indie film, music and beer. That’s a cant-miss trio!The festival opens with a craft brew tasting, features live music at...

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