Book of the Week: Killing Trail

Book of the Week: Killing Trail

Killing Trail Margaret Mizushima 2015, 314 pages Fiction   Mattie Cobb really likes her new partner. He’s good-looking, has thick dark hair, brown eyes, a killer smile, and he listens to what she says. He’s also eager to please! He’s their first K-9 police dog, Robo. Mattie won the chance to be his trainer, and she is excited about working with him. Mattie and Robo find the body of a teenage girl in the woods, and Mattie suspects...

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Book of the Week: ‘Breaking News: Bear Alert’

Book of the Week: ‘Breaking News: Bear Alert’

Breaking News: Bear Alert David Biedrzycki 2014 Children’s fiction   This children’s book opens with Jean Louis from the TV show Our Furry Planet going into a bear’s den and poking a sleeping bear. Not a good idea! The bears wake up and cleverly hitch a ride into town on top of the TV truck. Hilarious mayhem begins. The bears explore the town, going into a diner, trying on things at Paddington’s Department Store, and using a...

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Book of the Week: Handsome Man’s De Luxe Cafe

Book of the Week: Handsome Man’s De Luxe Cafe

The Handsome Man’s De Luxe Cafe Alexander McCall Smith 2014, 227 pages Fiction Business is very slow at Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors and Mr. J. L. B. Matekoni is forced to let one of his apprentices go. Charlie tries to keep his job by professing to be a new Charlie who will be more mature and will keep his mind on his work. Mma Ramotswe at the detective agency believes that young men like Charlie will settle down when they find...

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Book of the Week: The Old Man and the Cat: A Love Story

Book of the Week: The Old Man and the Cat: A Love Story

The Old Man and the Cat: A Love Story Nils Uddenberg 2015, 164 pages Nonfiction   Nils Uddenberg, a retired psychology professor, is in his early 70s when a cat begins to sleep in his garden shed. This little book is the story of how Uddenberg and his wife “have ‘come down with cat.’ ” He didn’t want a pet but, Uddenberg notes, “With her determined approaches the cat had shown a measure of faith in us, which I found it difficult...

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Concord Library Book of the Week

Concord Library Book of the Week

The Portable Veblen Elizabeth McKenzie 2016, 430 pages Fiction Have you ever listened to squirrels chattering and felt it sounded almost like words? Veblen Amundsen-Hovda is pretty sure she understands them. Her fiancée, Paul Vreeland, wants to trap the squirrels in her attic. The Portable Veblen is the story of Paul and Veblen. He’s a doctor whose invention, the Pneumatic Skull Punch, could prevent the damage that occurs from...

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