Poem: Thanksgiving
As Thanksgiving approaches, our thoughts return to long ago, people did gather, thankfulness they did know. The celebration was had, with people different yet so alike too, they sat together at meal, as friends with enemies few. Thanksgiving is a time, to reflect on memories old, steeped with many old traditions, old stories retold. As each year does pass, new memories again made, sadly, the old memories, sometimes do have to fade....
This week in Concord history
Nov. 26, 2000: More than three-fifths of the state’s voting-age population cast ballots in this year’s election, Newsweek reports. Only four states did better: Minnesota, Maine, Wisconsin and Vermont. Nov. 26, 1845: Five hundred twenty-five turkeys mysteriously pass through the streets of Concord, one day before Thanksgiving. Nov. 26, 1900: “Uncle Ben” Davis dies. He was one of Concord’s most popular citizens during the...