This week in Concord history

Nov. 19, 1863: New Hampshireman Benjamin Brown French accompanies President Lincoln to the cemetery at the Gettysburg battlefield. After Lincoln’s address, French writes in his journal: “Anyone who saw and heard as I did, the hurricane of applause that met his every movement at Gettysburg would know that he lived in every heart. . . . It was the spontaneous outburst of heartfelt confidence in their own President.” Nov. 19, 2000: In...

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Bulletin board

Healing energy New Hampshire author Hilary Crowley visits Gibson’s Bookstore virtually Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. to present her new book, “The Power of Energy Medicine: Your Natural Prescription for Resilient Health.” Learn how to connect to your own good medicine and discover the powerful energy healing that will bring authentic wellness, health, hope, and joy into your life. Crowley is the resident energy healer at a general family medical...

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