No time like the end times

With the Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012, we asked Concordians what they want to do with their last year on Earth.

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Rain barrel contest

The New Hampshire Lakes Association is asking all schools in Concord and the surrounding area to participate in a rain barrel design contest. Students can participate as an organized group or as a class to design and paint a rain barrel. The painted barrels will displayed throughout Concord during the spring leading up to a community event where people can purchase and decorate their own rain barrels.This program is designed to...

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Which came first: the chicken or the chicken ordinance?

Which came first: the chicken or the chicken ordinance?

Last year, an ordinance came before the city council of Concord to approve the keeping of chickens within the city limits, and Jemi Broussard was there to speak in favor. Her daughter, Elizabeth Broussard, had come home from college two summers prior and had suggested the family keep some chickens. Elizabeth's major at the Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, is in environmental studies with a focus on food production. Elizabeth...

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Scavenger suggestions; pining for the Ball & Chain

Scavenber SuggestionsThe last scavenger hunt was indeed interesting but it had difficulties as a scavenger hunt. Scavenger hunts are best when they can be walked in a finite area. If a car is needed, the hunt still needs bounds. Driving all over Concord is too wide a field. This one presented another problem in that two of the items are very difficult for a lone driver to see if paying attention to the road. The steam vent is...

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Ice sitters unite

Concord's coolest!They're back on the ice chair! Members of the Concord's Coolest Penguin Plunge Team will hit the ice on Jan. 20 at the Barley House beginning at 5:30 p.m., to benefit local Special Olympics athletes.Returning MCs Sgt. John Thomas and Sgt. Joe Wright will entertain the crowd while local luminaries perched on the ice chair lose their layers in exchange for donations. All event proceeds benefit the...

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This Week in Concord History

Jan. 17, 1726: Massachusetts grants permission to settle the area that will become Concord. A supervising committee screens would-be settlers. It wants just 100 families.Jan. 17, 1948: Concord's new mayor, Charles McKee, says he's not giving up on plans for a new man-made lake on the Turkey River, despite voter opposition. “As I understand it, there was a lake there once, but someone pulled out the plug and it drained...

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Insider tips for the zombie apocalypse

Insider tips for the zombie apocalypse

The world is going to end in 2012. Mayans knew it, John Cusack knows it – everyone knows it. The only real question now is: How is it going to happen? One theory is that the world will be overrun by reanimated dead bodies, craving sustenance in the form of living human flesh. In other words, a zombie apocalypse. We talked to Concord's own Matt Wheeler, author of Guide for the Living: Zombies (Surviving a Zombie Attack) to...

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You command your own space, dude

We at the Insider often scour Craigslist Missed Connections. In the words of the late Heavy D, now that we've found love, what are we gonna do with it? As always, the items are presented without edits.We locked peepers on So. Willow today in front of DD's – We we're idle side by side long enough for me to see how cute you were. You finally looked at me and held eye contact while your light turned green. If you...

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No time like the end times

No time like the end times

With the Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012, we asked Concordians what they want to do with their last year on Earth. Click the link to see the full gallery:

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