Say hello to Concord's hottest hunks

Our readers nominated them, and here they are!

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National Night Out

National Night Out was held at Rollins Park in the South End last Tuesday, and the Insider was there.

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Ready and Willing – Tue, 14 Aug 2012

Ready and Willing – Tue, 14 Aug 2012

Maura, Bizzy and Chuck Willing took the Insider with them to Scotland. Here they are at The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews. Send your travel pictures to

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'I like seeing smiles on everyone's faces – and no sad faces'

'I like seeing smiles on everyone's faces – and no sad faces'

It's another installment of our Girl Scout of the Week, in which we profile some local Girl Scouts to find out just what being a scout is all about. This week, we've got 8-year-old Kaylyn John-Zensy. Check it out!How long have you been a Girl Scout?Three years – I started when I was 5.Why do you think you were chosen as Girl Scout of the month?Because I want to be a Girl Scout Troop leader when I grow up.What are the...

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Insider mascots out on the town – Tue, 14 Aug 2012

Insider mascots out on the town – Tue, 14 Aug 2012

Congratulations to Dave Masinick of Hopkinton, who was the first to guess last week’s picture location correctly. Svetlana and Gomez were in Dos Amigos! This week, they traveled to a local art gallery to take in this painting of what appears to be their cousins. They must be related somehow! Know which gallery this is? Send your guesses to

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Maria Bryant specializes in treasures from the past

Maria Bryant specializes in treasures from the past

Name: Maria BryantCo-manager, Concord Antique Gallery(The gallery features booths of antiques from more than 100 different sellers.)How did you get started in the antique business?I've sort of always dabbled in antiques. I did that when my kids were young. The thing I love the most about it is saving these treasures from the past. These things could be in a barn or an attic in a box, but what good are they doing there? We can give...

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Classic Concord photos – Tue, 14 Aug 2012

Classic Concord photos – Tue, 14 Aug 2012

The house in this classic Concord photo was the home of a legend of Concord. The man who lived here founded a business that helped bring Concord to promince, and his name is all over the city. Any guesses? Send them to

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National Night Out

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'Concord Reads' author will speak

Weight of WaterConcord Reads is excited to announce that Weight of Water author Anita Shreve has agreed to participate in this year's Concord Reads programming. She is booked for Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. at the NHTI Sweeney Hall Auditorium.Check the “Concord Reads 2012” Facebook page (and “like” it too), CPL News or the Concord Reads web page on the library's website,, for further...

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Concord Public Library 'Book of the week'

A Simple MurderEleanor Kuhns2012, 322 pagesFictionIn 1787, Will Rees loses his beloved wife in childbirth. To cope with this loss, he takes to the road as a traveling weaver and leaves his son David in the care of relatives on his Maine farm, returning infrequently to visit his son. In 1795, he hears that his son has run away and been taken in by the Shakers in the village of Zion. He arrives to try to reconcile with his adolescent...

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The mullein plant – a country maiden's rouge

The mullein plant – a country maiden's rouge

The mullein wildflower has large soft velvety leaves with stiff hairs. The plant has about 40 different names, one of which is “maiden's rouge.” According to country lore, young girls can use the leaves by rubbing them against their cheeks, giving their face a rosy tint.The tall-stalked flower can reach fourto five feet high with yellow blossoms at the top. Each blossom will last about a day, with new flowers appearing...

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Health needs session

Concord Hospital and its community partners are hosting a 2012 Capital Region Health Needs Assessment Listening Session at the Penacook Community Center, 76 Community Drive, on Aug. 29 at 5:45 p.m. This session will help the needs assessment workgroup learn what community members believe are the most pressing health needs for themselves and their neighbors. Concord Hospital and its community partners have begun conducting the health...

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Donations ahead

“Hungry for summer” doesn't mean the same thing for all children in the greater Concord area. While summer means a break from school, it also means missing meals for many local children. These children rely on free-or-reduced lunch (and breakfast) programs at school as part of their daily nutrition plan. When school is out, these meals may not be available.On Aug. 14, the Capital Region Food Program will distribute...

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This Week in Concord History

Aug. 14, 1945: The victory bell rings at 7:11 p.m., signaling the defeat of Japan and the end of the war. Thousands of people rush into downtown Concord to celebrate peace. One planned event is an “o so joyful Hara Kiri parade.” Children in kimonos carry parasols down Main Street, vying for $1 prizes for the best costumes. Also in the parade is an overturned canoe labeled “Jap Navy.” A man standing atop a Main...

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Pig parkers pluck plenty prime parking places

Pig parkers pluck plenty prime parking places

Certain pairings are simply too perfect to avoid. Peanut butter happens to be involved in a great deal of them, somehow matching brilliantly with jelly in one memorable duo and chocolate in another.But peanut butter isn't alone. The Insider can play that game, too.Please, take a seat and prepare yourself – for the first collaboration between the Instigator and the Revelator.It all began when the Instigator was doing his...

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City Briefly

Each week, we show up at City Manager Tom Aspell's door with sacks and sacks full of mail. When he answers the door, we march right in to the kitchen and upend the mailbags all over the place. The contents? Thousands of letters nominating Aspell as a Concord Hunk. Sadly, each week, he declines the nomination. Fortunately, there's a silver lining – he gave us this city memo!Ballots availableexcused absenceAbsentee ballots...

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Say hello to Concord's hottest hunks

Our readers nominated them, and here they are!

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Hey, here's Waldo!

Hey, here's Waldo!

Where’s Waldo turns 25 this year, and to celebrate, Gibson’s Bookstore hid Waldo – or at least his cardboard likeness – in 20 downtown businesses. Those who hunted him down were entered in a drawing, which was held July 31.

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Adventure shopping

Since Ocean State Job Lots' slogan is 'adventure shopping,' we headed down to find their most adventurous items

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