Your pay-as-you-throw questions answered

In last week's Insider on pay-as-you-throw, coming to Concord July 6, we invited readers to submit questions about the program. We compiled your queries and sent them to Pat Winn, solid waste programs manager, and Chip Chesley, director of General Services. One question not answered is whether we may put the purple bags in trash cans. Many of us are concerned about animal scavengers. Yes, residents will be allowed to place purple...

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Everything you've ever wanted to know about snapping turtles

Everything you've ever wanted to know about snapping turtles

Nature-loving reader Paul Basham sent us this article on snapping turtles. Now you can't say you didn't learn something new today. Snapping turtles, like other fresh-water turtles in New Hampshire, are now coming out of the water to lay their eggs on land. We should give them the right-of-way. Ranging all over the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, the female snapping turtle digs a nest in an open area on land where...

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Police Log

June 2 The thirsty man Officer Matthew Nelson was dispatched to an Elm Street residence in Penacook to investigate the report of a man who attempted to get into her house. According to Nelson's report, a woman at the residence called the police when a stranger came up to her sliding door and attempted to get in. “Dispatch informed me that when the suspect was discovered by the homeowner, he asked her for a glass of...

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The business of empowering youth

The business of empowering youth

Youth Venture, a really cool social entrepreneurship program, recently entered our radar when we were asked to serve on a judging panel. Always flattered when asked our opinion, we agreed to serve. In our brief panel stint, which lasted an hour, we managed to learn a lot about the nonprofit group, including the fact that the New England headquarters are right here in Concord! Not Boston, but Concord, Cowhampshire. (Thanks, New...

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Away we go to Café Indigo

Away we go to Café Indigo

It’s not that that I’m against saving the lives of adorable animals, but I like my meat. I think beef is juicy and scrumptious, chicken is tasty and pork is just pine (especially the bacon variety). There’s nothing that screams “summer” more than tossing a burger and hotdog on the grill (or paying someone to do so) and then taking a nap on a hammock after my meat-induced coma. You can imagine my hesitance when The Insiders asked me to...

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CRVNA moves on

The Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association recently moved to its new offices at 30 Pillsbury St. All administrative offices previously housed in buildings on the Concord Hospital campus are now at the new location, with the same telephone number of 224-4093. CRVNA's Hospice House remains on the hospital campus.

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We want to go to Kennebunkport, too!

We want to go to Kennebunkport, too!

We're starting to think that seniors have all the fun. Debbie LaValley took this photo of the seniors from the Penacook Community Center during their day trip to Kennebunkport, Maine. Debbie, the lucky woman, got to tag along with her parents because there was an extra seat on the bus. While on the trip they took a tour of the historic town, had lunch at the Kennebunkport Inn and then did a little shopping.

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You're already thinking of winter

The Division of Forests and Lands has initiated a pilot program offering cut-your-own firewood on several state reservations as an affordable source of heat during the winter months. The program will allow New Hampshire residents to harvest firewood for their private use through the purchase of a permit. The public can get up to a maximum of two cords of wood during the cutting season. People interested in the program must have their...

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Celebrating children

New Beginnings Church of the Nazarene, 33 Staniels Road, Loudon, host a day of fun activities in celebration of children. The event will be June 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There will be mylar balloon decorating, bracelet beading, science demonstrations, origami, outdoor activities – including a jumpy house (weather permitting) and a few other surprises! Lunch will be provided free of charge. We will show a short movie that...

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It's meow month

It's meow month

It's raining cats – or at least it feels that way to the staff at the Concord-Merrimack County SPCA. So, in celebration of June being National Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, the nonprofit shelter is offering a special promotion to help find homes for adult cats. For June only, you can adopt a 10-month to 7-year-old cat at the regular fee, and if you adopt a buddy in the same age category, get that adoption for only $25. If the...

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Free financial seminar on Tuesday!

The Legacy Builder free financial seminar by Bill Meyers of Meyers Financial will be held on June 16 at The Common Man Restaurant, 25 Water St. Registration is at 4:15 p.m. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 225-6235.

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In case you miss it

Concord TV will once again be capturing two momentous Concord High School events in June. The Concord High School graduation ceremony, happening this year on June 20, is always a favorite of teachers, students and family members, as is the high school's prom and red carpet event, happening this year on June 13. Both will be aired on Concord TV's local Education Channel 6. The station will also be making DVD copies of both...

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It's stamp time!

The Merrimack County Stamp Collectors' monthly meeting will be held at Bow Mills United Methodist Church, 505 South St., Bow, on June 16 at 1:30 pm. All people interested in stamp collecting are invited to attend. For further information, contact Dan Day at 228-1154.

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Say 'hello' to Mr. American Pie

Say 'hello' to Mr. American Pie

A legendary singer-songwriter comes to New Hampshire in a rare and exclusive area appearance for a greater good. Child and Family Services of New Hampshire presents Don McLean and special guest, Kimberley Dahme, who will be joined by members of the band Boston on June 19 at 8 p.m. at the Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 S. Main St. The event is a part of the agency's 24th anniversary season of Concerts for the Cause and serves as...

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Reserve your spot now for tasty treats!

Reserve your spot now for tasty treats!

Cruise on down to the Cruisin' the Berry Old Days Strawberry Festival on June 27 from 1 to 7 p.m. at Bow Mills United Methodist Church, 505 South St., Bow. The church will open its doors and grounds to make way for food, vendor displays, classic cars, children's activities, music and strawberries, strawberries, strawberries! Festival highlights include, a strawberry delights bake sale, pie judging contest and the Ye Old...

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Youth Venture's first Concord team

Youth Venture's first Concord team

We recently served on a Youth Venture panel to determine whether a Concord High team should receive funding for its venture, Wakati Ujao (Swahili for “future”). We're pleased to report that they received the funding and are well under way to making their dreams a reality! Here's the skinny from Katie Fox, who got this thing going: How did Wakati Ujao got started? What's the purpose of the your group? Wakati...

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Turtle power

Turtle power

Jim Taber put his life in danger to get us this photo of a snapping turtle. Actually, that's probably a lie, but we can't be certain. Look at that turtle's face. If she didn't attack Jim, she was at least thinking about slapping him with her dinosaur-like tail. Jim wrote, “I took this pic of this very cranky-looking snapping turtle. I am guessing she missed her new edition of The Insider?” So there you...

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Corsages for everyone!

Corsages for everyone!

The lads are managing to play it cool, but the way their legs twitch to the beat betrays their general desire to bust a move. The girls sit primly in their dresses, waiting, expectantly yet somewhat impatiently, for some young guns to sweep them off their chairs and onto their feet. As usual, the ladies far outnumber the gentlemen, but if those boys would get up the nerve to at least ask someone to dance, it might help disperse this...

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Rocking grannies

On Wednesday, June 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 12 of the Wesley United Methodist Church's grandmothers and great grandmothers will be rocking continuously in support of the scholarship fund of “Step Ahead,” a preschool program that is a mission of the church. Rocking chairs will be gathered in the all-purpose room of the church as Joan Beldin, Penny Braley, Julia Bertsch, Marilyn Gauntt, Ginny Gerseny, Ellen...

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Recycling school supplies

Recycling school supplies

It's the last day of school. Your child is in a state of euphoria. You, not so much. At your feet lay nine months worth of stuff scooped from their desk or locker. Now, the first inclination is to take the whole mess and deposit it in the nearest trash can. Let's face it. Sorting through your child's backpack can be a pretty scary proposition. But let's not be hasty here. There really is quite a bit that's...

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Ask the Elders: Sir and ma'am

Ask the Elders: Sir and ma'am

Dear Elders, Do you enjoy being called “sir” or “ma’am?” Why? Signed, The Ole Crab Casper Kranenburg Dear Crab: It depends in which bar I am. Roioli Schweiker Dear Ole Crab: Yes, I liked being called ma’am. Even more than being whistled at. It made me feel like a real lady when I walked down the street and even the construction workers tipped their hard hats to me. My husband really objected to being called by his first name at the...

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