This week in history

This week in history

April 9, 2003: In a rally at the State House, state employees and several hundred supporters attack Gov. Craig Benson’s proposed state cuts, rallying against a plan that would freeze wages and send their health care costs soaring. April 9, 2002: Internships with local businesses, credit for community service and lectures from prison guards are among the suggestions at a meeting of a task force set up to fight Franklin High School’s...

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Adventuring from a distance

Adventuring from a distance

Children and their caregivers can get out of the house for a neighborhood walk (or drive) to hunt for bears, at least those of the plush variety. Taking inspiration from the 1989 children’s book, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,” written by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury neighborhoods across the state, and country, have put together window walks as a source of entertainment in this time of social distancing. The story...

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Mr. Aaron keeps Rattlers going remotely 

Mr. Aaron keeps Rattlers going remotely 

Like many group activities, Concord-based children’s music Mr. Aaron has closed his in-person Rattlebox Studio programs. But for all the kiddos at home, he’s planned virtual shows via Facebook live (visit mraaronmusic). Shows are held Monday through Saturday at 9:30 a.m. live (though you can watch the day’s episode anytime after as well. Mr. Aaron performs original song (“All My Friends are Giants”) and familiar songs...

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Yoga instructors keep businesses going through online classes

Yoga instructors keep businesses going through online classes

When he was forced to close the physical doors of Sharing Yoga in the middle of March, owner David Breen noticed an increase in his virtual business. “It’s been a 278% rise,” Breen said. The statistic was more joke than math fact, but the point is clear – even though studios are closed due to the novel coronavirus pandemic and the need for social distancing, people still want to practice yoga. The need to get on a yoga mat makes sense...

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City Newsletter: Deadline for tax exemption nears

City Newsletter: Deadline for tax exemption nears

The city manager’s office sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The full newsletter can be found by going to and clicking the “Newsletter” button. Here are some highlights: City information on COVID-19 We are continuously updating our coronavirus web page with information and resources. You can access it here: Downloadable PDFs with information for residents and businesses are...

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Book of the week: Two lives weave together

Book of the week: Two lives weave together

The Alice Network By Kate Quinn (historical fiction/308 pages/2019)   The Alice Network is an historical novel set in two time periods – 1915 and 1947 – and tells the tales of two fascinating women in alternating chapters. The story begins in 1947. American college student, Charlotte “Charlie” St. Clair, is unmarried and newly pregnant. She comes from an affluent family and her French mother has brought Charlie to Europe to take...

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Book of the week: Find your style of order

Book of the week: Find your style of order

Organizing for your Brain Type: Finding You Own Solution to Managing Time, Paper, and Stuff By Lanna Nakone (nonfiction/276 pages/2005)   Ever wonder why you just can’t get organized? Despite how hard you try. Despite how many organizing contraptions you’ve bought. Well it’s not you, it’s your brain. You’ve been trying to fight your brain’s natural process. Instead of fighting it, work with...

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Poem: Once content

Poem: Once content

The hallowed halls of high school where memories still remain, sometimes very pleasant, other times not the same. Years pass and thoughts wander, to a nostalgic time, carefree years lived well, responsibility not quite mine. Classrooms where we traveled, around the world and more, each day in an adolescent dream, walking out the door. Some left and married, bought a house enjoyed a life well, while some left for college, some for a...

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