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Want fun? You’re in luckster at Chuckster’s!

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We picked our own favorite photos from our visits to local orchards

It’s berry picking season and you know what that means, time to get out in the field with a bucket, grab some delicious fruit and make us a couple pies. Blueberry will be fine. On another note, we stopped by a couple local farms last week to check out the action.

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Susan Parmenter of Sunapee and Mimi Wiggin of Warner are currently showing some of their pieces at the McLane Audubon Center that have captured birds and animals in their natural habitats. The exhibit is on display through August and is open to the public during the Audubon’s normal hours.

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The official evolution of Insider Man, a photo essay from art camp

We weren’t just bystanders during Kimball-Jenkins Fantasy Week – we created our very own superhero costume

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Things are really shaping up at the League of N.H. Craftsmen

The League of N.H. Craftsmen is currently hosting its Circles, Squares and Triangles: The Shape of Things to Come exhibit at its headquarters on South Main Street through Sept. 26.

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Capital Area Wellness Coalition highlights healthy summer fun

The Capital Area Wellness Coalition is all about healthy and active choices, so in lieu of its standard monthly column the group opted to send us some sweet photos of people being active and summertimey. Hard to argue with that!

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Audubon campers immerse themselves in mud and education

Youngsters get a real hands-on experience

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We swung through Market Days and tried some of the coolest stuff

Keith played a round of miniature golf (poorly) and helped pull a fire truck down Main Street.

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In just its second year, the Frank Monahan Foundation Fore the Kids Golf Classic raised close to $35,000 last Monday at the Concord Country Club. The money will benefit a number of projects through the Concord Parks and Recreation Department, as well as local schools. The foundation, created in memory of the longtime Bishop Brady basketball coach, has raised around $56,000 over the first two years of the golf tournament. Out of...

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It was a launching good time at the Concord library last week as Marshmallow Madness took over for an afternoon.

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An outdoor adventure at Mill Brook Gallery & Sculpture Garden

Need something to spruce up the yard this summer? Well look no further than Mill Brook Gallery’s 17th Annual Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit. From bronze to steel, and granite to wood, there’s just about any type of art your little heart could desire. And you can go see it all. Mill Brook is open Tuesday-Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment, and the exhibit will be on display through Oct. 26.

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Since Ocean State Job Lots’ slogan is ‘Adventure Shopping,’ we headed down to find the most adventurous items in the store. It’s like a safari you take right here in Concord!

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Matt and Luke Bonner took the NBA championship trophy on a tour of Concord on Friday, and we were along for the ride. Would this be a good place to mention we beat Matt in an (abbreviated) game of H-O-R-S-E?

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Watercolor artist Conrad Young has been capturing scenic memories – from covered bridges to wildlife – from all over New Hampshire for many years. And here’s your chance to check out a bunch of his work. Young’s paintings are currently on exhibit under the title ‘Treasured Memories’ in the Conservation Center at the Society for the Protection of N.H. Forests through Aug. 27.

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Jungle Jim, the family entertainment extraordinaire, captivated an audience of local children (and at least one adult who happens to be a member of the ‘Insider’ team) at the Concord Public Library on June 27 with his impressive balloon making skills and ability to turn those balloons into simple machines. Jungle – as we like to call him – even created a mouse trap, which was actually strong enough to catch what we believe is a human,...

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During one of our routine daily knowledge enrichment exercises (OK, we were wandering around and opening every drawer in the building trying to find a plastic fork), we stumbled upon two folders full of Monitor file photos and stories about the history of Eagle Square. And there was so much good stuff in there, we had to share it with you, our beloved readers! Turns out the square has undergone more facelifts than Joan Rivers. It was...

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Let Peter Milton guide you through his land of fictitious scenes

Peter Milton has spent many years creating his work through the art of collaging, taking people and things from all walks of life, to create fabricated scenes that cause audiences to examine all aspects of his prints. Milton began his collaging by cutting out figures and objects and creating the scenes directly on a printing plate. In recent years, Milton has switched to digital prints through the use of Photoshop. His work is on...

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So how difficult can golf possibly be?

Keith and Tim took to the course at Beaver Meadow to see just how difficult it is to play this game. And by course we mean the practice green, because it would have been silly for Beav personnel to let them go any farther.

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Student art work at the Kimby-Jenks

We stopped by Kimball-Jenkins to spy the spring student art show, which hangs through the end of June. More than 100 pieces make up the 11th annual show on display in the Carolyn Jenkins Gallery.

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The N.H. Federation of Garden Clubs held a space themed standard flower show at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center over the weekend, one of its first shows in many years.

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The Barley House hosts Burgerfest for eight days every year to help raise money for Fred’s Fund and the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth, but the Food Snob likes to think the good folks there host it as a way to get him through the door eight days in a row. Mission accomplished!

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Happy Returns whimsical recycled garden art will host an open house at 15 Pine St. this Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.

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Tim spent one afternoon last week being pregnant. Turns out it’s not as fun as it looks.

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The back parking lot at Makris Lobster House turned into a motorcycle trick showcase Friday afternoon as part of the bike week celebration, which doesn’t make it all that different than the Insider parking lot on any given afternoon (actually yes, it does).

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Andre Bertolino wants you to check out all the colorful art work he made spraying aerosol on canvas. That’s why some of his best and brightest is strategically hung on the walls of Dos Amigos through early July. So next time you get a burrito or taco, check it out.

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Sherman uses lines and bright colors to characterize her work

The art of Carolyn Sherman, a retired elementary school guidance counselor with the Merrimack Valley School District, is currently on display in the NHTI library through the end of June. Sherman uses watercolors as her medium and her work is characterized by the use of line and bright colors.

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The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center hosted Aerospacefest on Friday and Saturday, and we stopped by for a piece of the action.

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Make yourself comfortable

Whether you’re a soon-to-be graduate preparing to furnish a college living space or just someone looking for vintage stuff, Concord’s recycled furniture outlets have you covered. And we’ve got proof!

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