CASL: These students are on a path to leadership

CASL: These students are on a path to leadership

The Capital Area Student Leadership program encourages students to become active, effective participants and future leaders in their schools and communities through exposure to historical, cultural, environmental and civic aspects of the Greater Concord area.   Through an application process, 26 local high school sophomores were selected for the 2018 class.   Over the past 24 years, CASL has graduated more than 650...

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Bulletin Board: New educational film series, free music, etc.

Bulletin Board: New educational film series, free music, etc.

Special screening at Red River Schoolhouse Players, in collaboration with ConcordTV, is presenting a new film, Sing Away Pain, exploring how the expressive arts can relieve chronic pain. The first in a series of medical educational films, writer Brenda Wilbert approaches the material in an original new format, rather than as a standard educational documentary. A one-act play is first presented in the film in the form of a professional...

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On Display: Father, daughter artwork at Forest Society

On Display: Father, daughter artwork at Forest Society

“Like Father, Like Daughter” is a joint exhibit featuring the art of Doug and Laura Richards, and is currently hanging on the walls at the Society for the Protection of N.H. Forests.Doug grew up in Concord and still lives here, and four years ago, at the age of 70, began painting full time. According to Doug, “My paintings are joyful to create and are a ‘listen to the silence’ kind of experience for me.” Laura also grew up in Concord,...

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City Manager’s Newsletter: Several construction updates, upcoming events and more

City Manager’s Newsletter: Several construction updates, upcoming events and more

On Friday, Stefanie Breton, the city’s public information officer, sent out the weekly City Manager’s Newsletter. You can read the full newsletter by going to and clicking the Newsletter button on the home page. Here are some of the highlights:Road construction projectsThe State of New Hampshire will be installing new steam lines on Green Street and Park Street until November. Work for this week includes the...

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Book of the Week: ‘Comfort Food Diaries’

Book of the Week: ‘Comfort Food Diaries’

The Comfort Food Diaries: My Quest for the Perfect Dish to Mend a Broken HeartEmily Nunn2017, 310 pagesNonfiction What better time to talk about comfort food than the dead of winter? Emily Nunn tells the story of how a cold, dark time in her life brought her on a journey to explore comfort food and much more. After losing her job to the recession and her brother to suicide, Nunn falls back into alcohol addiction and her personal life...

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Grappone Conference Center to host outdoor farm-to-table dinner

Grappone Conference Center to host outdoor farm-to-table dinner

If you’re all about high-end, locally produced, delicious food – paired with fine wine and beautiful music, not to mention a nice view – you certainly won’t want to miss out on a special evening the Grappone Conference Center has planned.On Aug. 8, the conference center will host its first farm-to-table dinner, in which all the food will be sourced from eight local farms, all within an hour of Concord. To set the mood, guitar virtuoso...

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Did these three students actually see a UFO?

Did these three students actually see a UFO?

So there’s these three middle school boys and they’re certain they’ve seen a UFO. But did they really? Well, you have to make your way over to Hatbox Theatre over the next three weekends to find out, as the Community Players of Concord performs Kid Cult Cosmology, beginning Friday night.“Whether they’ve actually seen a UFO is a question you have to see the show to find out the answer,” said director Doug Schwarz. This is the...

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Gibson’s Bookstore to host author David Mahood

Gibson’s Bookstore to host author David Mahood

On Wednesday at 6 p.m., author David Mahood will be at Gibson’s Bookstore to present One Green Deed Spawns Another: Tales of Inspiration on the Quest for Sustainability, as he details the unusual path he followed to become environmentally active. His quest for sustainability led him on a wide-ranging and introspective journey that included encounters with a diverse group of people. From turtle rescuers to hemp designers, from...

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This Week in Concord History

This Week in Concord History

March 27, 1965: Penacook school district voters will have several options before them: creating a cooperative school district with neighboring towns, merging with Concord or going it alone. Eventually, voters will approve creation of the Merrimack Valley School District. March 27, 2002: The Capitol Center for the Arts lifted the curtain this month on an ambitious $3 million capital campaign to give the city a sleeker, more functional...

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The Yogi: There are mirrors everywhere in life, from Snow White to the yoga studio

The Yogi: There are mirrors everywhere in life, from Snow White to the yoga studio

“Magic mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” Sound familiar? With all the drama that Disney could muster up in 1937, the face in the mirror says: “Famed is thy beauty, Majesty. But hold, a lovely maid I see. … Alas, she is more fair than thee.” You probably know the story of Snow White. The Queen looks in this enchanted mirror and sees something else besides her own reflection. There are flames, smoke and a little...

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Final week for 2 youth art shows

Final week for 2 youth art shows

Concord is home to lots of great locations to see some incredible art. That means at any given time, on any given day, there will be a wide range of work all over the city. It’s hard keeping track of all the shows, hours you can view them and how long they’ll be around, so we’ve compiled this trusty list for you, so you can concentrate on checking out the art. League of N.H. Craftsmen Black and White Encore Through: Wednesday The...

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On the Road: The ‘Insider’ visits Mount Rushmore

On the Road: The ‘Insider’ visits Mount Rushmore

Members of GoodLife Programs & Activities and friends took the Insider to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota in June. While it’s disappointing they haven’t added any Insider legends to the monument yet, it still makes for a cool photo. Thank you to Barbara Clark for sending in the photo!Are you going anywhere exotic, exciting or just plain cool? If so, bring a copy of your favorite Insider issue along with you and have a picture taken...

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The Pizza Pie Showdown sure was delicious

The Pizza Pie Showdown sure was delicious

Whenever an event happens for the first time, you never really know what to expect.But it was safe to assume a night that made taste-testing pizza the star of the show would be a hit. And was it ever.The inaugural Pizza Pie Showdown, hosted by the Concord Monitor (and us) and held at the Holiday Inn, took place last week to once and for all decide the best pizza in Concord.By now, you’ve probably heard the news that Constantly Pizza...

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Food Snob: A gluten-free, vegan North East burger from Willows Plant-Based Eatery

Food Snob: A gluten-free, vegan North East burger from Willows Plant-Based Eatery

The Food Snob is quite a stranger to vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free dining. Typically, we’re out there pounding tacos, pizza, fried chicken, crab cakes, pulled pork sandwiches and anything else that seems like it will get us full enough to need a nap after.But a reader reached out last week, recommending a gluten-free installment of the Food Snob, and not being afraid of any consumable, we decided to take her up on that idea. For...

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At Constantly Pizza, winner of the Pizza Pie Showdown, it’s all about the customers

At Constantly Pizza, winner of the Pizza Pie Showdown, it’s all about the customers

Constantly Pizza is no stranger to awards. The pizzeria with locations in downtown Concord and Penacook is the reigning Cappies winner for best pizza, and co-owners John and Dave Constant were the recipients of the Riverbend 2017 Champions for Mental Health award. Now they can add another one to the resume: winner of the first-ever Pizza Pie Showdown, put on by the Monitor on March 14, Pi Day. That’s right, the public has spoken and...

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On Display: Lakes Region Art Association work at NHTI

On Display: Lakes Region Art Association work at NHTI

Assorted works by members of the Lakes Region Art Association are on display at the NHTI library gallery until about mid-August. The exhibit features a mix of paintings and photographs, and the pieces are all for sale. 

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Christa McAuliffe students voted for the best pizza, too

Christa McAuliffe students voted for the best pizza, too

If there’s one food that kids are pretty much experts in, it’s got to be pizza.So while we value the opinions of the almost 150 people that showed up for the inaugural Pizza Pie Showdown and named Constantly Pizza as tops in Concord, we thought in order to crown a true champion, there had to be a sample vote from a group of youngins. And one of the easiest ways to get a group of kids together is at school. Now you probably saw that...

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Book of the Week: ‘The Well’

Book of the Week: ‘The Well’

The WellCatherine Chanter2016, 400 pagesLiterary Fiction/Suspense Thriller Set in Great Britain on a small farm that is the only place to have regular rainfall in a country experiencing a multi-year drought, Ruth and her husband Mark find themselves the unintentional and unwilling focus of a nation in search of answers. But Ruth has questions of her own, and she is driving herself mad trying to get to the truth.The couple struggle to...

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Don’t forget about Maple Weekend events

Don’t forget about Maple Weekend events

If you picked up our paper last week – which we’re sure all of you did – you probably noticed we paid a little attention to Maple Month and Maple Sugaring Weekend. We’re not in the business of writing the same thing every week, but since there’s so much going on in so many parts of the state for Maple Weekend, we felt it would be helpful to remind you of everything that’s going on this weekend – yes, this Saturday and Sunday make up...

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This Week in Concord History

This Week in Concord History

July 23, 1927: Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, who is scheduled to arrive in Concord two days from now on his triumphant tour around the country, lands at Concord airport. The reason: the airport in Portland, Maine, his scheduled stop, is fogged in. July 24, 2002: An 11-run second inning and sparkling defense propels Concord National to the Junior League Softball Championship, with a 13-2 victory over the host Bedford team. July 24, 2003:...

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Cathy Menard solved our scavenger hunt

Cathy Menard solved our scavenger hunt

If you remember a few weeks back, we put together one of our world-famous scavenger hunts for any and all to try to solve. We do them about twice a year, picking a different theme each time with categories like Christmas decorations, restaurants, snow banks and farewells to Insider alum. Our latest one had all to do with buildings in our coverage area and what you could find in and around them. Now we’re not going to sit here and...

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Fore! Get out there and hit the links this summer

Fore! Get out there and hit the links this summer

I’m not very good at golf – let’s just get that out of the way now. When I hit the course, which is extremely rare, you’ll find me trudging through the woods, raking sand or trying to fish a ball out of a pond. But hey – all of that still beats sitting in an office. If your golf game is anything like mine, you’re probably at the level where you’re not out there trying to win, you’re just trying to have fun for a few hours and escape...

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Concord High School drama club to perform ‘Nora’s Lost’ on March 28

Concord High School drama club to perform ‘Nora’s Lost’ on March 28

The Concord High School drama club will make good on its promise to give the public a one-time-only viewing of Nora’s Lost on March 28. The club was originally supposed to perform its New Hampshire Educational Theatre Guild submission on March 8, but Mother Nature had other ideas, as she dropped a nice coating of snow that day. That performance was intended to be a tune-up for the guild’s regional festival that weekend, but it didn’t...

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Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing at Discovery Center, Red River

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing at Discovery Center, Red River

This is a big week for planet Earth.July 16, the day this issue comes out, marks the 50-year anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11, the first mission to put human beings on the moon. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins touched down on the lunar surface July 20, 1969, marking perhaps the most significant event in human history to that point.In honor of this monumental achievement, there are several special events going on...

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Join CATCH Neighborhood Housing for a night filled with laughs

Join CATCH Neighborhood Housing for a night filled with laughs

Join CATCH Neighborhood Housing for an evening of political musical satire on March 29 as the Capitol Steps return to Concord. The Steps, a Washington D.C.-based comedy troupe that began as a group of Senate staffers, will present a show featuring songs from their newest album, Orange Is the New Barack. But don’t worry – the Capitol Steps are notoriously bipartisan and no shenanigans will go unparodied. Their songs are commentary on...

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Album Review: ‘Hey Dana’ debut album shows off range of artist’s influences

Album Review: ‘Hey Dana’ debut album shows off range of artist’s influences

I was given another album to review a few weeks back, and the cover art alone had me intrigued. The first thing I noticed was four eyes staring at me, seemingly peering into my soul. It was only after a few seconds of looking that I saw the name – Hey Dana. Hey Dana is the stage name of local artist Dana Brunt, who can be found playing at Area 23, Lithermans Limited and anywhere else in New England that will have him. He’s a solo...

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On Display: Women’s Caucus for Art N.H. honoring water

On Display: Women’s Caucus for Art N.H. honoring water

The Women’s Caucus for Art N.H. is celebrating water with its latest exhibit in the NHTI Library. “Her Water, Her Future” is about the sanctity of water and women’s relationship to it. The show will be up through March 29 and features a special event on World Water Day (Thursday) at 6 p.m. with guest speakers Lisa Sullivan, director of communications for the Concord based nonprofit, The Water Project, and fellow caucus member...

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Tasty Brews: Lithermans Limited Read Icculous, only at Penuche’s

Tasty Brews: Lithermans Limited Read Icculous, only at Penuche’s

While cruising around on Penuche’s Facebook page looking for shows early last week, I noticed a post saying that Lithermans Limited had made them a beer, and that it was to debut on Thursday. When Lithermans makes a new beer, it’s always a good idea to check it out, and when they make a beer exclusively for one place, it can’t be ignored. I got to everybody’s favorite basement bar about 4:30 on Thursday afternoon, hoping to get the...

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Two performances of Aesop’s Fables this week

Two performances of Aesop’s Fables this week

You have two chances to catch the Junior Service League of Concord’s spring show this weekend.Held in St. Paul’s School’s Memorial Hall, the annual performance dates back at least 75 years (the tradition actually started as a puppet show), and this year’s family-friendly production of Aesop’s Fables is one you don’t want to miss. Since it is a show geared toward families, it’s only an hour long with both an evening show (Friday at 7...

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Entertainment: More concerts than you’ll possibly be able to attend this week

Entertainment: More concerts than you’ll possibly be able to attend this week

Music Tuesday Kid Pinky at Hermanos Cocina Mexicana at 6:30 p.m. Nevers’ Band at Rolfe Park at 7 p.m. Bedford Big Band at Presidential Oaks at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Paul Donahue at Hermanos at 6:30 p.m. Open mic at Area 23 at 6 p.m. Dwayne Haggins at Courtyard by Marriott at 6 p.m. Thursday Richard Gardzina at Hermanos at 6:30 p.m. Lisa Guyer at Cheers at 5 p.m. Rebel Collective at Eagle Square at 7 p.m. Friday Hometown Eulogy at True...

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