This Week in Concord History

This Week in Concord History

April 3, 1865: Concord’s church bells ring and a cannon fires in response to news of the overwhelming defeat of Gen. Robert E. Lee’s army at Petersburg, Va. April 3, 1905: Douglas Everett is born. Everett will become a member of the 1932 U.S. Olympic hockey team, win a silver medal and be inducted into the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame. The Everett Arena in Concord will be named in his honor. April 3, 1909: In perhaps the first full-page...

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The Crust and Crumb Baking Co. set to expand menu, double in size

The Crust and Crumb Baking Co. set to expand menu, double in size

Alison Ladman opened The Crust and Crumb Baking Co. on Main Street in Concord seven years ago with a vision – she wanted to fill a storefront with delicate pastries made from scratch with local ingredients. “Starting from sugar and butter and flour and making things completely the way it’s supposed to be done, all the while supporting the community that supports us,” Ladman said. “That’s what I wanted.” Few restaurants still do that,...

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We found lots of good ideas for Easter basket candy around Concord

We found lots of good ideas for Easter basket candy around Concord

Easter is almost here, which means if you haven’t put together a basket yet, you better get to it. Time is definitely running out – the holiday is less than a week away – but luckily, unlike with Christmas, you can usually get all your Easter shopping done in one trip.We made several trips last week to check in and see what this city had to offer on the Easter basket front. Just because it is possible to get all your basket needs in...

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Entertainment: Besides Rock On Fest, a ton of other music on the docket, plus plays and movies

Entertainment: Besides Rock On Fest, a ton of other music on the docket, plus plays and movies

Music Tuesday Scott Solsky at Hermanos Cocina Mexicana at 6:30 p.m. The Nevers Band at the State House at 7 p.m. Freese Brothers Big Band at Presidential Oaks at 6:30 p.m. Open mic for poets and writers at True Brew Barista at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday The Buskers at Hermanos at 6:30 p.m. April Cushman at Courtyard by Marriott at 6 p.m. Thursday Brian Booth at Hermanos at 6:30 p.m. Dan Walker at Cheers at 5 p.m. Friday Lez Zeppelin at Bank...

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Go Try It: Dye some eggs with the kiddos for Easter

Go Try It: Dye some eggs with the kiddos for Easter

Being parents to young children really allows us to redo all the fun things we took part in as kids.When it comes to Easter, we’ve certainly missed hunting for eggs, waking up early to see what the Easter Bunny left in our basket, and of course, eating all that candy in one sitting. Wait, that last one still happens.But with the others, our daughters allow us to vicariously live through them to usher back the days when Easter was a...

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Bulletin Board: Free concerts, Old-Fashioned Field Day, etc.

Bulletin Board: Free concerts, Old-Fashioned Field Day, etc.

Free concerts at United Church Wednesday evening at 7 p.m., Canadian soprano Danielle Buonaiuto and cellist Julia Biber will perform a free concert at the United Church of Penacook. Buonaiuto appears as soloist and ensemble musician throughout the United States and Canada. Her artistry is driven by values of community, access and inclusion, and compassion, and her projects explore these issues through a broad range of music. Biber has...

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We found 3 egg hunts happening Saturday

We found 3 egg hunts happening Saturday

There’s just something thrilling about sprinting around an open area in search of candy-filled plastic eggs.It’s not only a race against others who seek to collect the most eggs filled with candy, but also the clock. If you’ve been to an Easter egg hunt recently (or ever), those eggs never last very long.It’s been a number of years since we were eligible to take part in the time-honored tradition for young kids, but having little ones...

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City Manager’s Newsletter: A slew of construction updates, plus a few events coming up

City Manager’s Newsletter: A slew of construction updates, plus a few events coming up

On Friday, Stefanie Breton, the city’s public information officer, sent out the weekly City Manager’s Newsletter. You can read the full newsletter by going to and clicking the Newsletter button on the home page. Here are some of the highlights:Parking garage updatesSteel erection for the new south stair tower at the School Street parking garage is nearly complete. Once finished, the contractor will pour concrete for...

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There are Easter services all over the city

There are Easter services all over the city

For some of you, going to church is as big a part of your life as picking up the Insider each week. But for others, the major holidays are when you make your way to a service. No matter if you go all the time or rarely, we came up with a list of services and celebrations for Easter weekend. Now, to be totally clear, we aren’t saying this is a comprehensive list of everything happening in Concord, Penacook and Bow on the Easter service...

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On Display: Nature photos on canvas by Christine Wrazen at NHTI

On Display: Nature photos on canvas by Christine Wrazen at NHTI

NHTI’s library art gallery has a new exhibit, “Nature Easels,” by graphic designer and photographer Christine Wrazen, just installed last week. The exhibit will be on display until the end of September. The art installation features eight pieces consisting of a digital photograph printed on a small, square canvas and presented on a miniature easel adorned with flowers. Any of the works can be yours – they’re priced at $38 apiece. For...

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We won a basket at ConcordTV’s Easter Eggstravaganza

We won a basket at ConcordTV’s Easter Eggstravaganza

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.It’s a saying as old as time, but it’s not just some throwaway inspirational quote – it’s a useful life lesson, especially if you’re into acquiring Easter baskets.After attending each of the previous two installments of ConcordTV’s Easter Eggstravaganza (and each of the past three Feztival of the Trees, which is also held at the Bektash Shrine Center but is not affiliated with the...

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The Yogi: In yoga, like in baseball, the pieces fit together to form a team

The Yogi: In yoga, like in baseball, the pieces fit together to form a team

It’s been a tough year for Mookie Betts. An inconsistent year. After winning Major League Baseball’s MVP Award in 2018, this season has been a grind for the 26-year-old superstar outfielder for the Boston Red Sox. Over the last month, Mookie has started to come to life, and to return to that superstar level of play. Last Friday, his bat made some serious noise as the Sox crushed the Yankees at Fenway Park for the second straight...

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Tasty Brews: You need to try this Made for Walking IPA

Tasty Brews: You need to try this Made for Walking IPA

Rarely do we need an excuse to try a new beer.Whether its for work or pleasure, it usually doesn’t take much of an arm twisting for us to enjoy a cold, refreshing pint.But when we got an email last week from Lithermans Limited co-owner Michael Hauptly-Pierce about a new creation hitting the tap room draft lines last week, we were really intrigued.Not only was it a New England-style IPA – which we love – but it was a special concoction...

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Author Gault to speak at Gibson’s Bookstore

Author Gault to speak at Gibson’s Bookstore

Miciah Bay Gault will visit Gibson’s Bookstore on Thursday at 6 p.m. to present her debut of literary suspense, Goodnight Stranger, which follows one young woman caught between her desire for the future and the tragedy of her past, and the love she has for her brother and the stranger who drives them apart, all set in a gorgeously atmospheric fictional Cape Cod island town. George Saunders writes of the book: “Somewhere the ghosts of...

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SOCK Club is looking for new sock donations

SOCK Club is looking for new sock donations

The SOCK Club (Save Our Cold Kids) is a student-run leadership and service project organization at Concord High School. The club meets weekly, and works to provide support and raise awareness for homeless children and their families. Additionally, it is a goal of the group to engage in fundraising and volunteer opportunities in an effort to make a difference in the Concord community.In order to meet the goal of benefiting the...

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On the Road: The ‘Insider’ goes to Dead Horse Point State Park

On the Road: The ‘Insider’ goes to Dead Horse Point State Park

Leah Lundquist and her family recently took a 10-day national (and state) park road trip and, of course, no 10-day road trip of any variety would be possible without bringing along a copy of the trusty Insider. Amid all the excitement surrounding the trip, the group managed only one photo with the Insider, but they sure did make it count. Here are Lundquist’s daughters Ella, 7, and Adeline, 4, posing with the New Food Issue in front...

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Former MLB All Star, Concord native Bob Tewksbury to speak at Gibson’s Bookstore about his new book

Former MLB All Star, Concord native Bob Tewksbury to speak at Gibson’s Bookstore about his new book

Major League Baseball’s opening day is Thursday, and what better way to usher in a new season of America’s pastime than by having a former All Star talk about the psychology of the game at his local bookstore?We’re talking about Concord native Bob Tewksbury, who played for the Yankees, Cardinals, Cubs, Rangers, Padres and Twins over a 13-year career that included an All Star selection and a third-place finish in National League Cy...

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Book of the Week: ‘Art Matters’

Book of the Week: ‘Art Matters’

Art Matters: Because Your Imagination Can Change the WorldBy Neil Gaiman, illustrated by Chris Riddell2018, 100 pagesNonfiction – Motivational Art Matters is a small book full of big ideas. Neil Gaiman has combined four personal essays with vibrant illustrations by Chris Riddell to create an inspirational manifesto for living, reading, assembling furniture and, especially, making art.“Credo” expresses Gaiman’s belief in and love of...

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Food Snob: Cannolis from The Cannoli Stop @ The Candy Shop

Food Snob: Cannolis from The Cannoli Stop @ The Candy Shop

“Leave the gun, take the cannoli.”There’s a reason this is still one of the most famous lines from any movie, even 40 years later, and it’s because cannolis are really fantastic, and most people prefer them over guns.Count this Food Snob as one of them.We were tipped off a few weeks ago about a new cannoli shop on Loudon Road, right next to Red Arrow Diner. While we usually follow up on tips like that the same day (and when there’s...

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This Week in Concord History

This Week in Concord History

July 30, 1777: After riding all night from Exeter, Lt. Col. Gordon Hutchins, Concord’s legislative representative, bursts into the Sunday service at Concord’s meeting house to say that Gen. John Stark is marching west but needs more men. “Those of you who are willing to go had better go at once,” Rev. Timothy Walker tells his congregation. All men present leave. July 30, 2003: According to documents that are unsealed in Concord...

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Entertainment: Shakespeare, political humor on stage, plus tons of music

Entertainment: Shakespeare, political humor on stage, plus tons of music

As the calendar flips from March to April, we have a whopping six stage shows on the slate this week, spanning the realms of Shakespeare to political satire likely written in the past couple weeks. And, as usual, there’s plenty of live music and a whole bunch of movies, too. Enjoy!   Music Tuesday Paul Bourgelais at Hermanos Cocina Mexicana at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Mike Morris at Hermanos at 6:30 p.m. Concord Community Music School...

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There are plenty of ways to stay cool in Concord this summer

There are plenty of ways to stay cool in Concord this summer

How did everyone enjoy that brutal, oppressive heat wave last week? Nothing says “hot town, summer in the city” like a stretch of days approaching 100 degrees with humidity so high it feels like a wall of warm water hits you as soon as you open the door and step outside. And this is in a state that borders Canada. If you’re reading this, it means you survived last week’s heat wave – but don’t count your chickens yet, because we’re not...

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Author K.D. Mason to present her book ‘Canceled Out’ at Gibson’s Bookstore

Author K.D. Mason to present her book ‘Canceled Out’ at Gibson’s Bookstore

On Wednesday at 5:30 p.m., author K.D. Mason will be at Gibson’s Bookstore to present the newest in his Jack Beale series, Canceled Out.Best friends Jack and Dave get an unwelcome surprise at the local Thanksgiving Turkey Trot race when they meet Kim, an attractive runner who strongly resembles Sylvie, a mysterious woman from Jack’s past. To the complete dismay of Max, Jack’s girlfriend, the surprise intensifies when the real Sylvie...

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Making Good Health Simple: Staying out of the heat does a lot more than just keep you cool

Making Good Health Simple: Staying out of the heat does a lot more than just keep you cool

No one in New Hampshire is ever happy with the current weather we have. It’s too hot, too cold, too windy, too rainy, too humid, too not what they wanted. Bottom line, people, is that we live in New England and, more specifically, the heart of New Hampshire. These drastic temperature, weather and seasonal changes are precisely why living in the good ol’ Granite State keeps us on our toes. Don’t you love having a walk-off welcome mat...

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Bulletin Board: Stop the bleed, multicultural day and awards

Bulletin Board: Stop the bleed, multicultural day and awards

Presentation for parents at Rundlett There will be a parent presentation on Thursday in the Rundlett Middle School library – Connecting with Your Kids: A Conversation about Drugs, Alcohol & Bullying. Research suggests that one of the most important factors in healthy child development is a strong, open relationship with a parent. Join us for a conversation on the importance of keeping open lines of communication with your children...

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Adventure Shopping: Summer fun edition

Adventure Shopping: Summer fun edition

Since we’re in the dog days of summer, we decided to head over to Ocean State Job Lot for a little summer fun edition of Adventure Shopping. As usual, we found all kinds of cool, interesting and ultimately weird stuff that’s sure to improve your summer – and your life, really.

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Say goodbye to Tom Devaney’s Eye on Thursday

Say goodbye to Tom Devaney’s Eye on Thursday

If you’ve happened to glance up to the second floor at 3 Pleasant St. (above Pitchfork Records) over the last couple years, you may have had the eerie feeling that somebody was watching you. And there’s good reason for that. But it’s not really a somebody, but rather a something. Artist Tom Devaney created the Eye a few years back, a large projection of his right eye (with few other eyes that make guest appearances) that gazes upon...

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A different kind of rail trail opens in Concord

A different kind of rail trail opens in Concord

Monitor staff A different type of rail trail has opened up in Concord.Scenic RailRiders opened July 12 off Sewalls Falls Road in Concord along an abandoned stretch of Pan Am Railways track that stretches from above the state prison to Commercial Street in Boscawen.This isn’t a rail trail in the traditional sense – a flattened path with the tracks removed. This trail still has its rails, which are ridden on by a mountain coaster-like...

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Try to win this big bunny from Granite State Candy Shoppe!

Try to win this big bunny from Granite State Candy Shoppe!

Walking by the front windows of Granite State Candy Shoppe is hard enough under normal circumstances, but these days, it’s down right impossible. Because it’s hard not to think about how much we’d enjoy tearing into that giant chocolate bunny that’s currently sitting all nicely presented on a little white table in one of the store’s giant windows. It’s kind of like what we all do when we buy a lottery ticket, except this prize won’t...

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Entertainment: Outdoor concerts galore, plus other fun stuff

Entertainment: Outdoor concerts galore, plus other fun stuff

Music Tuesday Dann Brothers Blues Band at Hemanos Cocina Mexicana at 6:30 p.m. Nevers’ Second Regiment Band at Keach Park at 7 p.m. East Bay Jazz at Presidential Oaks at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Paul Heckel at Hemanos at 6:30 p.m. Open mic at Area 23 at 6 p.m. Country Mile outside Concord Public Library at 6 p.m. Ryan Williamson at Courtyard by Marriott at 6 p.m. Dwayne Haggins at Concord Craft Brewing at 5:30 p.m. Thursday Mike Morris at...

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