Production of ‘This Is My Brave’ to be performed at Concord High School
A local production of the national effort This Is My Brave will take place at Concord High School on May 23. The show features area storytellers who will courageously share their experience with mental illness. “It’s real, raw, unique, inspiring, brave, and yes, some stories have an element of humor,” Lead Producer Ellen Desmond said. Desmond is the Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator at the N.H. Department of Education. Her...
This week in Concord history
April 8, 1864: Capt. Dana W. King of Nashua and 47 members of the 2nd New Hampshire Cavalry are captured during the disastrous battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La. They are taken to “wretched captivity in the famous ‘stockade,’ or poison pen, at Tyler, Texas,” their adjutant reports. April 8, 1977: Poll results are released showing 62 percent of New Hampshire residents favor construction of the Seabrook nuclear power plant, with...
Meet Kevin Briggs, Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge
A nationally recognized promoter of mental health awareness will share his unique story at the Concord City Auditorium on May 9. Sergeant Kevin Briggs knows firsthand that The Golden Gate Bridge is an iconic landmark, an engineering feat, and tragically, a destination for those contemplating suicide. His efforts on patrol saved hundreds of lives and now, his powerful speaking events are impacting people across the country. Briggs is a...
Easter events and activities
Follow the bunny Follow the Bunny is a new Intown Concord event bringing families to explore downtown Concord and celebrate springtime and the warmer weather to come. Follow the Bunny is scheduled to be held on Saturday, April 3, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Intown Concord will be at the State House Lawn and will provide free games and crafts for families to enjoy until 12:30 p.m. Children will have the chance to decorate their own treat...
Riverbend Community Mental Health offers a wide range of services to the community
Addiction treatment, recovery servicesOur Choices program offers comprehensive outpatient addiction treatment and recovery services for adults and adolescents. We embrace a harm reduction model of care aimed at reducing the negative consequences associated with drug use. We provide treatment regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay, and walk-ins are welcome. Start treatment today by calling 1-844-5-CHOOSE (844-524-6673)Adult...
Outdoor dining returns to Concord
The Concord City Council approved the renewal of temporary expanded outdoor dining in the City of Concord. This temporary program is an effort to address the impacts of the pandemic on local restaurants. The 2021 season will run from April 1 through Nov. 15. Intown Concord has put together a list of restaurants that will be participating in the 2021 outdoor dining season. Here’s who had been added to the list as of Monday: Buffalo...
Entertainment: Some comedy, some drama, some mystery
Music Tuesday Kid Pinky at 6:30 p.m. at Hermanos. Wednesday Tim Wildman at 6:30 p.m. at Hermanos. Thursday Dwayne Haggins at 5 p.m. at Cheers. Friday Lee Ross, a Boston-based musician will entertain on saxophone, keyboard, and flute at Penuche’s at 9 p.m. The McCartney Years: The Experience, a live musical tribute to The Beatles and Wings, will be at 8 p.m. at the Capitol Center for the Arts. Tickets are $35. Classic Invasion Band at...
Poem: Old Summer
The cabin in the woods, my time as a child, life was simple then, thoughts so very mild. Family was together, sepia-toned memories still remain, the years may have faded, thoughts of the old cabin the same. Pelting rain on old glass windows, chilling wind off the lake, cooking over the open fire, s’mores we did make. Laughter of children, and adults too, my first-time fishing, looking at the stars with you. Sometimes thoughts...
Bulletin Board: Spring fair, energy plan input and arts awards
Spring Fling Fair this Saturday Join the fun at the Spring Fling Fair being held at East Congregational Church on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The fair will feature a silent auction, penny sale, crafts, plants, baked goods, gently used clothing, books, “Grandma’s Attic” and more! Tickets for an expertly made twin size quilt will be available. Be sure to stop by the East Church cafe for a light breakfast or luncheon. The “Cinco de...
Scene from 1952
One of the youngest citizens of Concord is shown receiving her vaccination from the Concord Health Officer in the year 1952. The Health Department vaccinated 385 Concord children in 1952 at multiple immunization clinics around the city.
Making Good Health Simple: Sleep – a commodity you can’t buy or trade
When I ask people how they are, they often reply, “Good, but tired.” When I try to wake my teenagers up for school, they beg me, “Mom, please. I need more sleep.” When I attempt to watch a 9 p.m. movie, I barely make it past the opening credits. It seems like everyone is in a constant sleep deficit. Sleep is a commodity that cannot be purchased or traded. It’s essential to our survival and wellbeing, yet it is the most overlooked part...
Book: A magical journey begins
The Magician’s NephewBy C.S. Lewis(202 pages, children’s fiction, 1955)Digory and Polly meet in London in the summer of 1900, in the garden of one of their houses. They discover that there is an attic passageway between their houses, row houses that are all connected. They start to explore the passage, but accidentally open a door into Digory’s Uncle’s study. Uncle Andrew is an eccentric man who calls himself a magician. Uncle Andrew...
The Yogi: Playgrounds, back-bends and what it all has to do with yoga
Our family spends a lot of time in playgrounds. When we travel or play our music shows, The Morris Family Band always leaves a little time to find a nearby playground. Concord is loaded with great playgrounds. You may even have one in your own backyard. The Monkey Around Playground at White Park celebrates its 25th birthday this year – 25 years of reaching, hanging, climbing, running and jumping. On any given day, you’ll notice the...
City Newsletter: Signs of spring appear
The city manager’s office sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The full newsletter can be found by going to and clicking the “Newsletter” button. Here are some highlights: Beaver Meadow The driving range at Beaver Meadow Golf Course is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Stay tuned for a full golf course opening announcement. For membership and other information, visit Street Sweeping The nice weather has...
City Manager’s Newsletter: Dog license reminder, road work and hiking
On Friday, Stefanie Breton, the city’s public information officer, sent out the weekly City Manager’s Newsletter. Here are some of the highlights: Last chance to register dog You should have registered your dog with the city clerk by today, April 30. You can do so online, by mail or in person. Cost is $10 for non-spayed/non-neutered dogs, $7.50 for spayed/neutered dogs, $7.50 for pupped under 8 months old, $20 for five or more dogs of...
This week in Concord history
April 1, 2003: Gov. Craig Benson launches his Adopt-a-School program, a campaign promise that essentially builds on longtime state and local efforts to connect schools with businesses. The governor’s project will link businesses with schools around the state in an effort to strengthen communities, supplement curriculum and show students that they might one day use what they learn in school. April 1, 2000: Concord’s Matt Bonner...
Meet Concord Reads author Benjamin Rachlin
Concord Reads, a citywide literary event encouraging community members to read and discuss the same book, will cap off its 2019 campaign with an event at Red River Theatres on Thursday.Benjamin Rachlin, author of Ghost of the Innocent Man: A True Story of Trial and Redemption, will discuss his writing process and answer questions from NHPR’s Peter Biello and the audience. The evening will conclude with a book signing in the Red...
Book: Whimsical hats
The Magic Hat ShopBy Sonja Wimmer(children picture book, 2016) A mysterious hat shop appears one day, providing hats perfectly suited to their wearers’ personalities, balancing extremes and bringing greater happiness into their wearers’ lives.But what will happen when the hats are taken off — or worse, blown away in the wind? This simple tale highlights the power of the individual in becoming who they wish to be. A fun, simple read,...
Bow High School to perform ‘Romeo and Juliet’
Bow High School students freshly returned from spring vacation will head off to Italy this weekend, at least in their imaginations. Students will present Romeo and Juliet on Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Choral and Theatre Director Sarah Evans said the play was chosen because of the depth of the characters and that students are already familiar with this William Shakespeare play, having studied it freshman year....
Mandolin Festival to be held virtually
The 19th Annual March Mandolin Festival will be held March 27 and 28, via Zoom, and hosted by the Concord Community Music School in Concord. This year, the festival features Marla Fibish, Baron Collins-Hill, and David Surette, with special guest vocalist Susie Burke. This two-day event offers group workshops on a variety of topics, jam sessions, and a Saturday evening concert. Last March, the festival was the last live musical event...
Gibson’s Bookstore to host event with judge Charles Schudson
Gibson’s Bookstore will host the Honorable Charles Benjamin Schudson on May 8 at 6 p.m. Schudson is a Wisconsin Reserve Judge Emeritus, an adjunct/visiting professor of law, and the author of Independence Corrupted: How America’s Judges Make Their Decisions. Nominated for the 2018 National Book Award, the 2019 Chautauqua Prize, and the 2019 ABA Silver Gavel Award, this book provides a penetrating view into the minds of judges. With...
Tougias to present on memoir
Monitor staff Michael Tougias spent his childhood getting into scraps along the Connecticut River in his hometown of Longmeadow, Mass., and farther north at a vacation spot on Lake Morey in Fairlee, Vt., on the border with Orford, N.H.He shares some of those stories in his memoir, his 30th book, The Waters Between Us. He will discuss his book, those stories and growing up in the 1960s during a Walker Lecture Series event on April 7 at...
Book of the Week: ‘Meet Me at the Museum’
Meet Me at the Museum Anne Youngson 2018, 272 pages Fiction In 1964 a young girl named Tina was fascinated by the Tollund Man, a mummified body from the Iron Age found in Denmark. His body had been preserved in a bog. She and her schoolgirl friends wrote to Professor Glob about it, and he dedicated his book, The Bog People, to these young girls.Now, more than 50 years later, Tina writes to the professor again. She has always wanted to...
Bulletin Board: Virtual gatherings
Support for those impacted by drinkingAl-Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. By sharing common experiences and applying the Al-Anon principles, families and friends of alcoholics can bring positive changes to their individual situations, whether or not the alcoholic admits the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help. While social distancing remains in place, New...
This Week in Concord History
April 30, 1697: In Penacook along the Merrimack River, Hannah Dustin and two other captives turn on the Indians who kidnapped them and killed Dustin’s newborn child in March. They catch all the Indians asleep, kill 10 of them and return home to Haverhill, Mass. For the 10 scalps they bring with them, they collect a bounty of 50 pounds. April 30, 1963: New Hampshire establishes the nation’s first modern state-run lottery. April 30,...
City newsletter: Be on look out for these things
The city manager’s office sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The full newsletter can be found by going to and clicking the “Newsletter” button. Here are some highlights:Fraud alertThe Concord Police would like to make the community aware of a scam that is currently taking place. Some Concord residents have been receiving phone calls from what appears to be from the Concord Police Department (225-8600)....
Food Snob: Spicy tuna roll from Splendid Sushi
Fun fact: The Food Snob loves sushi. Less-fun fact: The Food Snob is not rich. That second fact there explains why you’ve never seen a Food Snob review of sushi before. While it is an excellent, tasty, nutritious food, it tends to be on the pricier side, with some rolls ringing in at a dollar per piece or more. That adds up when you’re trying to make a whole meal out of it. But we made our way to Splendid Sushi at 26 Pleasant St. last...
Book: Finding community through cooking
Angelina’s Bachelors: A Novel, with FoodBy Brian O’Reilly(359 pages, fiction, 2011)Angelina and Frank are a young couple living in Philadelphia, surrounded by a caring Italian family, and a large network of friends. They have a terrific life together, and a loving relationship. The only thing missing is a child. Angelina has a passion for cooking, and is always happy in the kitchen. Then Frank, still a young man, dies suddenly of a...
Chef Alan Natkiel to host pop-up dinner event at Lithermans Limited
If you like barbecue food – and who doesn’t? – then you won’t want to miss out on a unique opportunity to try some high-end stuff from a place that isn’t even open yet this weekend. Alan Natkiel, a renowned chef who ran the highly successful Georgia’s Eastside BBQ in New York City for years, is opening a take-out barbecue joint at the former Korner Kupboard location at 394 N. State St. While he doesn’t expect the business to be open...
Book: A French journey
My 25 Years in Provence By Peter Mayle (208 pages, travel biography, 2018) I’m doing a little armchair traveling these days. Peter Mayle is the author of the books A Year in Provence, Toujours Provence, Encore Provence and more. Twenty-five years ago Peter and his wife Jennie decided to move from England to a small village in Provence. Peter writes about all manner of things Provence: the beauty of the landscape with its...