Special reception, documentary to honor life of Christa McAuliffe

Special reception, documentary to honor life of Christa McAuliffe

As the official New Hampshire memorial to Christa McAuliffe, the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center will commemorate the 30th anniversary of the launch and subsequent loss of the space shuttle Challenger and its brave crew, including Christa McAuliffe, with a showing of the documentary on McAuliffe, Reach for the Stars, at 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and with a special reception for teachers, school administrators, school board...

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The Audi’s looking pretty fresh after its semiannual new paint job

The Audi’s looking pretty fresh after its semiannual new paint job

Twice a year, the Friends of the Audi get together to paint the stage floor at the Concord City Auditorium. Since the stage sees thousands of dancing and tapping feet every year, it takes quite a beating and needs to be repainted every so often. The first paint job comes during the annual Pitch In at the end of August. The other comes during the Dr. Martin Luther King Service Day, held on the holiday named after that civil rights...

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Time to start thinking about your taxes

Time to start thinking about your taxes

We know the deadline to file your taxes is months away, but it’s hard not to think about what you’d do with that refund. Will you go on vacation? Make an extra car payment? Or put it away in your savings account for a rainy day? It’s kinda like when you dreamt about what you’d do if you won the $1.5 billion Powerball jackpot, only this is real money we’re talking about and not something 99.99999 percent of us will never see. And let’s...

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Slip and slide and learn to skate with the Itsy Bitsy Skaters Program

Slip and slide and learn to skate with the Itsy Bitsy Skaters Program

Concord Parks and Recreation offers the Itsy Bitsy Skaters Program for kids ages 3 to 5 on Wednesday afternoons at Everett Arena. This is a chance for little ones to get familiar with moving around on the ice, with guidance from some of Parks and Rec’s finest instructors. This past Wednesday was another slippery good time.

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Book of the Week: ‘Black-Eyed Susans’

Book of the Week: ‘Black-Eyed Susans’

Black-Eyed Susans Julia Heaberlin 2015, 368 pages Fiction Tessa Cartwright was found, barely alive, in a Texas field at 16 among the bones of three other young women and a field of black-eyed susans. She could never remember what happened to her, but the supposed killer was caught and Tessa’s testimony put him on death row. Almost 20 years later, Tessa is terrified to discover a patch of freshly transplanted black-eyed susans blooming...

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Bulletin Board

Gibson’s to host ‘Concord Through Time’ author Join Gibson’s Bookstore on Friday at 5:30 p.m. as Bettey Finney Tobey takes us on a journey through time in Concord, comparing the Concord of the past to the Concord of now in Concord Through Time! Years of research have gone into this photograph-filled book. Concord has an interesting blend of cultures, including Native American tribes and immigrants from many other nations. Concord has...

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Look who we found trying to create a love connection on Craigslist

Look who we found trying to create a love connection on Craigslist

We took to Craigslist last week to see what was happening on the Missed Connections pages. And as always, there were a lot of posts – some of which we could print and you’ll find here for your unedited viewing pleasure – and others that lets just aren’t fit for publication. Talked for over an hour (you’re definitely a gamer) – m4w (Concord Mall) – Jan. 18 Hey. We had a great conversation at the Concord mall. You came into where...

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This Week in Concord History

This Week in Concord History

Jan. 26, 1839: In Concord, rain falls for 24 hours straight. The Merrimack rises 15 feet in 15 hours. Several bridges are destroyed. Jan. 26, 1968: U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy brings his presidential campaign to Concord. He meets with Gov. John King, who is leading President Johnson’s campaign in the state, and says of New Hampshire: “It looks like Minnesota.” Jan. 26, 1984: Webster Bridges, chairman of the state Sweepstakes Commission,...

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City Briefly

City Briefly

Last week, City Manager Tom Aspell was so excited about the upcoming Black Ice Pond Hockey Championship that he spent afternoons skating the White Park pond and used one of his trick routines to carve out his weekly city memo, which we’ve printed here for you in a less melty version. Don’t worry City water supply just fine Recent news about the drinking water in Flint, Mich., may give a reason to pause concerning the safety of the...

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Instagram photo of the week

Instagram photo of the week

Check out this week’s Instagram Photo of the Week.

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Let us be your guide to all the live music venues in the capital city

Let us be your guide to all the live music venues in the capital city

In the winter, it can sometimes be a little bit harder to find something fun to do in your spare time. It’s not exactly the ideal time of year to go throw the ball around at White Park or break in that new bike you got for Christmas. And nobody feels like doing work around the house, either – after all, what is there to do besides shovel? Well, for one, there’s always tons of live music to be heard all over Concord and Bow. The...

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Granite State of Mind: An intimate setting for great local music

Granite State of Mind: An intimate setting for great local music

So you just learned about many of the cool places around Concord to catch some live music. And there sure are plenty of options. But all of those venues offer a fairly similar experience: You watch a loud show and maybe have some food and a couple drinks while you’re at it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that experience, it’s just that sometimes, some people are looking for a more relaxed setting. If you count yourself as one of...

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Strings & Things is your one-stop shop for all things music

Strings & Things is your one-stop shop for all things music

So we’ve gone to great lengths to tell you all about how to listen to some music around here. You can go to a bar, a restaurant, a theater, a community college or a coffee shop, among other places. But what about all of you musicians out there? All of you who actually play and contribute to the area’s active and passionate music scene? Where can you go to sharpen your skills or pick up some new instruments, or even catch a little...

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We teed it up on the new golf simulators at Beaver Meadow

We teed it up on the new golf simulators at Beaver Meadow

If you haven’t noticed, it’s not exactly the ideal time of year to be playing golf. At least outside that is. But unlike prior years, now you don’t have to sit around and stare at your clubs for the next few months. The bad news is that we’re not sending you on an all-expenses-paid trip to a state where the sun is shining and snow isn’t in the vocabulary. If we had that kind of money, don’t you think we’d send ourselves first? The...

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Lots of outdoor winter fun, colorful flowers and plenty of art

Lots of outdoor winter fun, colorful flowers and plenty of art

Thursday There’s nothing quite like a splash of spring in the middle of winter. And if you’re in need of some bright, colorful floral arrangements accompanied by fantastic works of art, then look no further than McGowan Fine Art. The annual Art and Bloom opening reception is tonight, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. The show only lasts three days because it’s done with flowers, so make sure not to miss it. Work Nest is kicking off the new year...

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Want to be a rock star? Why not try out open mic or karaoke first?

We’ve all dreamt about becoming a rock star. Standing up on stage with millions of screaming fans in front of us all while playing songs that we wrote about life, love and the pursuit of fame. Unfortunately, the chances of becoming a famous musician like that have the same odds as winning that huge Powerball jackpot. Which, by the way, we didn’t win, and that’s why we’re still going to work every day. But you don’t have to be a rock...

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Ever wonder what happens to your Christmas tree? We found out

Ever wonder what happens to your Christmas tree? We found out

So we had been wondering: What happens to all the Christmas trees Concord residents throw out by the curb? We know the city comes along and collects them, but where do they go from there? Well, we got to the bottom of it last week, when we snuck over the border (shhh!) to The Dirt Doctors in Pembroke. The Dirt Doctors sell all kinds of landscaping supplies – pavers, stone, mulch, loam – and they take in all kinds of stuff, too. “We’ll...

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Take a walk into the world of the Enamelist Society at the League

Take a walk into the world of the Enamelist Society at the League

The League of N.H. Craftsmen is kicking off the new year with a show featuring selections from the Enamelist Society’s 15th biennial international juried enamel exhibition and 11th international juried student exhibition. It features artists’ work from around the world – and as you may have guessed, each piece uses enamel. The show, which just opened Friday, will be on display through March 18.

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Nothing says winter fun like sledding, skating and ugly sweaters

Nothing says winter fun like sledding, skating and ugly sweaters

Usually we try to avoid going outside this time of year. Between the slippery walking surfaces, cold vehicles, colder temperatures and piles of snow, we tend to prefer a warmer climate – like indoors, under a blanket, watching lots of movies. But sometimes, you’ve just got to layer up, grab a cup of hot chocolate and embrace all the season has to offer. Especially when we’re talking about a winter carnival. For the last 20 years or...

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Get a taste of spring with the Art and Bloom show at McGowan

Get a taste of spring with the Art and Bloom show at McGowan

Which comes first, the art or the bloom? Technically, it’s the art piece that is the inspiration for the floral arrangement at the Concord Garden Club’s annual Art and Bloom exhibit, although many would argue that the inspiration is already in the arrangers’ head and the art piece is just a means to give it form. This year’s show will again be held at McGowan Fine Art, and will feature 16 floral arrangements and fine art pairings,...

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Get out and enjoy winter

Bears hibernate, humans don’t. But that’s what it feels like with winter in New England. As a matter of fact, the average weight gain is five to seven pounds during winter months as we hunker down with calorie-laden snacks, weather-related excuses why we aren’t moving our bodies and bulky sweaters that let us hide those extra pounds. And don’t forget the kids who are getting on each other’s nerves and doing way too much screen time....

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City Briefly

City Briefly

Last week, City Manager Tom Aspell began writing an original song about the inter-workings of city hall that he planned on taking on tour of the city’s many open mic nights. Soon, though, Aspell realized it was less of a song and more of a city memo, so he decided to release “the lyrics” for all citizens to enjoy. Voting time Absentee ballots available Absentee ballots for the Feb. 9 presidential primary election are now available...

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Instagram photo of the week

Instagram photo of the week

Check out this week’s Instagram photo of the week!

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Bulletin Board

Symphony N.H. returns to the Audi on Friday Symphony N.H. orchestra returns to the Audi stage on Friday at 8 p.m. as Maestro Jonathan McPhee conducts a program of Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, Ravel and Prokofiev. Tickets are $18 to $49 and available at SymphonyNH.org, by calling 595-9156 or at the door. Friends of the Audi Artists reception at The Place Gallery Saturday On Saturday, there will be a gallery opening reception for the work...

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This Week in Concord History

This Week in Concord History

Jan. 19, 1942: Sylvia Esty, an 8-year-old Jehovah’s Witness, puts her hand over her heart but refuses to say the words of the Pledge of Allegiance at the Garrison School in West Concord. She says God has forbidden her to pledge allegiance to flag and country. Concord’s school board says it may have to expel her. Jan. 19, 2001: The state Supreme Court rejects a lawsuit that has delayed the construction of an addition at John Stark...

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It’s all fun and games until – actually, it’s always all fun and games

It’s all fun and games until – actually, it’s always all fun and games

If our favorite hobby here at the Insider is eating (which it most definitely and so obviously is), our second-favorite would have to be playing games. After all, we’re just a couple of kids at heart, and playing games is just what we like to do. But enough about us. We’re trying to tell you about all the games you can play right here in Concord. Whether you were already aware or not, this city is loaded with all kinds of interesting...

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Book of the Week: ‘Body Respect’

Book of the Week: ‘Body Respect’

Body Respect Lucy Aphramor and Linda Bacon 2014, 208 pages Fiction Body Respect starts by debunking established dietary advice. Fat? It’s not that bad for you after all. Dieting? It can actually make you fatter. Exercise? It won’t necessarily help you lose weight, even if it offers other benefits. What Aphramor and Bacon suggest instead of dieting and following a strict exercise regimen is – get this – listening to your body. They...

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You can play (and live) in a fantasy world once you get in the game

You can play (and live) in a fantasy world once you get in the game

Do you ever have the urge to be someone else? Or find yourself in a fantasy world, away from all the ups and downs of every day life? Well, we hear you. That’s why we created Insider Man. But you don’t have to create a fictional character who works as a journalist by day and is a superhero by night in order to escape whatever you’re trying to escape on that specific day. That does sound quite familiar, though, doesn’t it? All you have...

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Believe it or not, you can win big money right here in Concord

Believe it or not, you can win big money right here in Concord

Our years of television consumption taught us that bingo is a game played by retirees, sitting in a large hall with another retiree pulling balls out of a spinning wheel. Well, this is just another instance when television has failed us. ’Cause we checked out bingo night at the Bektash Shriners last Thursday and it’s way more popular and involved than TV ever led us to believe. Sure, there were retirees filling out cards as a...

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Attention all nerds: Science Cafe is making a return to Concord

Attention all nerds: Science Cafe is making a return to Concord

Ever wondered how autonomous cars work? Or maybe you’ve always been curious about the details of Jurassic Park-style genetic modification. Or, maybe you’re just kind of a geek who loves science, engineering and technical stuff like that – and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you fit into any of the above categories, you’ll definitely want to check out Science Cafe Concord, moderated by Monitor reporter David Brooks. Brooks, also...

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