A southern day trip – Welcome to Hooksett

A southern day trip – Welcome to Hooksett

When we first established roots in Bow, we kept hearing about this far away land known as Hooksett. Sure, it bordered Bow, which borders Concord, but going beyond those imaginary constraints had always been a bit of a no-no. Look how long it took us to make our way into Bow. But since we thought of this day trip issue series earlier this year – the first of which brought us to Henniker in February – we’ve had our eye on Hooksett. How...

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We drove a crazy vehicle at HK Powersports

We drove a crazy vehicle at HK Powersports

No roof, no doors – no problem. That was the theme of the day when we went to HK Powersports in Hooksett last week. The store is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, and they invited us to come by and check out all the big-boy toys they get to play with – I mean sell – every day. “We sell fun,” owner Jim Whaley said as we poked around the indoor showroom, which was full of motorcycles, dirt bikes, ATVs, personal watercraft and...

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We found lots of food options in Hooksett

We found lots of food options in Hooksett

One of our favorite parts about exploring a new place is the food.There’s just something about traveling around a town you’ve never visited in search of a great local spot to eat.And when in Hooksett, you’ll have no problem finding some great eateries – no matter what you’re in the mood for.There are plenty of chain restaurant options, and that’s never a bad thing, but on this adventure, we were in the mood for something new and...

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We found all this stuff driving around Hooksett

We found all this stuff driving around Hooksett

As many of you know, we appreciate all the little things in life. As we drove around Hooksett last week, making many stops along the way, we started to notice some interesting stuff around every corner. So of course we decided to photograph what we found to share will all of you. Enjoy!

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There’s plenty of stuff to know about Hooksett

There’s plenty of stuff to know about Hooksett

As you have clearly seen thus far, we used part of last week to explore as much of Hooksett as we could. Since this was a day trip, there was only so many hours in the day to enjoy the sights and sounds of Concord’s (and Bow’s) neighbor to the south. We tried to do a comprehensive look at what a typical day tripper would expect to do when spending the day in a new place. So we covered the food (and beer), we had loads of fun and we...

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The League’s craftsmen are pushing the limits

The League’s craftsmen are pushing the limits

The League of N.H. Craftsmen recently opened Pushing the Limits, a new exhibit in its 49 S. Main St. gallery. Like most of the League’s shows, it’s a multi-media exhibit that features creations of juried craftsmen, who just so happen to be showcasing work that forced them to go outside their comfort zone. The show is on display through June 23, and there’s lots to see.

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Discover WILD N.H. Day should be a wild time

Discover WILD N.H. Day should be a wild time

Do you have the urge to really let out your wild side? If so, don’t go swinging from tree branches or trying to fly off a high perch – just check out Discover WILD New Hampshire Day at Fish and Game headquarters on Hazen Drive this Saturday.This is the department’s biggest community event of the year, and we do mean big – last year saw more than 10,000 people turn out, said advertising and promotions coordinator Mark Beauchesne. It’s...

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Womenade is hosting Couture for a Cause

Womenade is hosting Couture for a Cause

Some of the latest trends in fashion will be on display at the Womenade of Concord’s fourth annual Couture for a Cause. Seven local stores using anywhere from three to six models each will showcase up to 40 outfits. “It’s just a variety of people in the community who support our organization,” said Womenade member Shannon Arndt. The runway session is the highlight of the evening that will be held at O Steaks and Seafood in May 4, but...

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Pedro Pimentel made his longest film yet

Pedro Pimentel made his longest film yet

It’s been a little more than three years since we first introduced you to filmmaker Pedro Pimentel. Back then, he was a Concord High student creating movies with his friends. Now, Pimentel is a full-fledged director and his Manguetown Pictures is about to put out a flick that is a big jump for the young company. “I’m trying to push myself with larger projects,” Pimentel said. “And this is the biggest project I’ve done in every single...

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Red River to show film about  primary, media

Red River to show film about primary, media

After what felt like the longest presidential campaign season in the history of the world – and the ensuing hyper-political atmosphere that has taken over the whole country since – it’s a good time for a break from all of that, right? Not quite. After all, this is the Live Free or Die, first-in-the-nation primary state (and we’re in the capital) – it’s always time for politics.That’s why you should get fired up to see a new...

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Bring the little ones out to Youth Fishing Day

Bring the little ones out to Youth Fishing Day

If you have kids in your life who love the outdoors – and fish – then there’s a perfect event for them coming up this Saturday: Youth Fishing Day.The event, put on by Basil Woods Trout Unlimited, will take place at Merrill Park Pond, right next to Quality Cash Market on Eastman Street, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. And it’s free.As its name implies, this is a day all about getting kids into fishing. There will be rods, tackle, bait (do you...

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‘The Truth Will Spring Yuh’ to premiere at the Hatbox

‘The Truth Will Spring Yuh’ to premiere at the Hatbox

The world premiere of the full-length play, The Truth Will Spring Yuh, opens at the Hatbox Theatre on Friday and runs through May 14. The Truth Will Spring Yuh is a modern gothic tale by New Hampshire playwright Donald Tongue. The Truth Will Spring Yuh was initially conceived as a 10-minute “play about a tablecloth” at theatre KAPOW’s 24 Hour Play Festival in October 2013. With only eight hours to write it, Tongue began with a single...

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Remember to put  your leaves out

Remember to put your leaves out

The city of Concord’s spring leaf collection began Monday and will continue through June 3. Concord residents with curbside trash and recycling collection can place an unlimited amount of leaves and grass clippings curbside by  7 a.m. on their trash collection day for pickup during the six-week program. Residents participating in spring leaf collection must place leaves in biodegradable yard waste bags or labeled rigid containers....

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Get pumped up for opening day in Concord

Get pumped up for opening day in Concord

Lovers of baseball rejoice, Concord Little League is about to embark on another season. After being delayed a week – thanks to a couple late season snowstorms – the opening day festivities are slated for Saturday, which is when you can catch the first games of the season. The annual kick-off begins at 9 a.m. at Grappone Park. There will be a parade with the more than 300 players spanning the league’s four levels marching along, and...

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If you like art, then you’ll want to see these shows

If you like art, then you’ll want to see these shows

As you well know, we sure do love art here at the Insider. We may not be able to create it or actually know a whole lot about it, but that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate fine works when we see them. And if you’re like us, there’s a couple receptions this week to celebrate local shows that you won’t want to miss. Thanks to Mother Nature and some late winter snow, the public get-together for McGowan Fine Art’s most recent show was...

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Bulletin Board

Learn the best way to plan a vacation Trying to plan a vacation, but don’t know where to start, where to go or how to budget? AARP New Hampshire is offering Travel for the 50-plus on May 6. Travel expert and columnist Chase Binder will share her experiences and recommendations for the 50-plus traveler. The hour-long presentation will be held at AARP New Hampshire, 45 S. Main St. No. 202, from 9 to 10 a.m. Her presentation will cover a...

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CYPN is hosting a nonprofit fair

CYPN is hosting a nonprofit fair

Stay Work Play has partnered with young professionals networks throughout New Hampshire to host local nonprofit fairs for the third annual Stay Work Play Give event. The six events will be held on May 3 across the state. Stay Work Play Give is similar to a traditional career fair, but instead of jobs, the goal is to connect nonprofits with college students and young professionals looking to become more civically involved in their...

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This Week in Concord History

This Week in Concord History

April 25, 1893: Edward H. Brooks is born in Concord. A graduate of Concord High and Norwich University, he will serve in both world wars, rising to the rank of lieutenant general. A highlight of his long, distinguished career will be leading the Second Armored Division onto Omaha Beach. His division will also be the first Allied force to enter Belgium.   April 25, 1902: The statue of Commodore George H. Perkins of Hopkinton is...

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Lots of music to hear this weekend

Lots of music to hear this weekend

Once again, Concord has a jam-packed schedule of local music to be heard all over the city. And once again, we found out about as many shows as we could to pass along all that juicy info to you. Here’s a sampling: Thursday At Penuche’s, there will be a mini festival of sorts, with Wrongtown Presents: Rippin’ E Brakes, Beechwood and Tough Guy. Bands generally go on about 9 p.m., and there’s a cover charge that’s usually $3 but can vary...

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Book of the Week: ‘His Bloody Project’

Book of the Week: ‘His Bloody Project’

His Bloody ProjectGraeme Macrae Burnet2016, 280 pagesFiction In 1869, three people are found murdered in a remote Scottish farming community. Roderick Macrae has admitted to the crime, but what has led him to this project? The narrative is presented as a collection of documents discovered by the author, including witness statements, crime scene reports and Roderick’s own testimony. The villagers have conflicting views about Roderick –...

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Help keep Concord beautiful on Earth Day

Help keep Concord beautiful on Earth Day

Saturday is kind of an important day for Mother Nature. When you get around to looking at the ol’ calendar, you’ll see that Saturday is April 22 – otherwise known as Earth Day.If you didn’t know, the first Earth Day was organized in 1970, and in the 47 years that have passed, yearly events have been held to better the planet that we all share.While we believe that every day is an opportunity to better the environment and do our part...

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Go Try It: Clean up some trash around the capital city

Go Try It: Clean up some trash around the capital city

In honor of the impending Earth Day, we decided to do something related to helping the planet for this installment of Go Try It. We wanted to stop global warming, save the polar bears, restore the coral reefs and clean up the oceans, but we kind of ran out of time toward the end of the week.Instead, we grabbed a grocery bag and headed over to Kiwanis Riverfront Park, better known as the grassy walking and seating area along the river...

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Plenty going on during April vacation week

Plenty going on during April vacation week

We’ve reached mid-April, which means school vacation is right around the corner – next week, in fact.If you’re like us, you never really plan anything more than a few days in advance, which could mean some unhappy campers at home during vacation.But fear not, because, once again, we’ve done the legwork for you. We hit up all of our family-fun sources to find out what’s going on around here during vacation week. All days of the week...

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NHTI, Delta Dental are hosting a road race Friday

NHTI, Delta Dental are hosting a road race Friday

For the 13th consecutive year, NHTI and Northeast Delta Dental are prepping for their annual 5K road race. The NHTI/Delta Dental 5K is part of the Concord Area Race Series (CARS), and has become a Concord area “hallmark” event. The race is open to the public, and around 500 runners typically participate.This year’s race takes place at 6 p.m. on Friday on the school’s campus, which is adjacent to the company’s headquarters. There is...

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VNA is hosting a game night at True Brew

VNA is hosting a game night at True Brew

On a daily basis, members of the Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association team talk about all aspects of living and dying with those they serve. But in most settings, those kinds of discussions don’t just come up. The topics aren’t exactly what we like to call conversation starters. “In our society, these conversations are hard for people to have,” said Keliane Totten, the VNA’s VP of Community Engagement. “So we’re trying to...

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An award to be proud of

An award to be proud of

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services has awarded Concord General Services’ Wastewater Treatment Division with the 2017 Outstanding Public Outreach Award. The award recognizes efforts to educate the public about wastewater. The Wastewater Treatment Division has demonstrated public outreach through facility tours, brochures, website updates, social media, news releases and participation at community events. Additional...

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Hear some music, learn about trademark law with The Slants at True Brew

Hear some music, learn about trademark law with The Slants at True Brew

Fans of dance-rock music – and trademark and intellectual property law – will want to check out this unusual and brain-exercising event at True Brew Barista next Monday afternoon. At 4:30 p.m., the band The Slants will both play some music and lead a discussion about trademarks, constitutional law, appellate litigation and other legalese. And it’s not because they’re all secretly lawyers trying to bring in new clients via the classic...

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NHTI’s Wings of Knowledge to feature Everest climber Jake St. Pierre

NHTI’s Wings of Knowledge to feature Everest climber Jake St. Pierre

How many times have you been to Mount Everest, or even Nepal?Neither have we.But Jake St. Pierre has been there four times, and he’ll be the featured guest at next Tuesday’s installment of Wings of Knowledge at NHTI (April 25), where he’ll tell you all about it.St. Pierre, a former Bow police officer, was part of the American Climber Science Program’s 2014 expedition to the world’s highest peak. Before he made it to the top, a massive...

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Tasty Brews: Fat Tire from Tandy’s

Tasty Brews: Fat Tire from Tandy’s

Last Monday was the first “nice” day around here since about early February. The sun was out, the ground was dry and snow/mud were at a minimal.That’s why we decided to keep the good vibes going by grabbing a beer at Tandy’s (we were hoping to sit outside but settled for a seat at the subterranean, indoor bar instead). Most of the options on tap, sadly, we had already tried – except for one: Fat Tire from New Belgium.Apparently this...

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Concord artists featured in NHTI library
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