We’re famous all the way over in Wisconsin

We’re famous all the way over in Wisconsin

As you can probably imagine, we get a lot of emails every day.They include story ideas and press releases, thank yous for – and critiques of – stories, as well as others that we consider spam that get immediately sent to the trash.But on July 25, one came in with a subject line reading: hello from Wisconsin. At first I thought it was probably a picture of one of our faithful readers who had taken a vacation to the place known as the...

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Concord actresses to appear in ‘Heathers the Musical’

Concord actresses to appear in ‘Heathers the Musical’

Monitor staff Concord teens will star as two of the three Heathers in Heathers the Musical opening this week with the Peacock Players in Nashua. Eliza Richards will play the alpha in the clique, Heather Chandler. GraceAnn Kontak portrays Heather Duke.They will be joined by Mary Sullivan of Londonderry as Heather McNamara, Aly Aramenton of Londonderry as Veronica Sawyer, and Jakov Swartzberg as Jason “JD” Dean.Pablo Rubin of Concord...

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CYPN: Kate Fleming is someone you need to know

CYPN: Kate Fleming is someone you need to know

The Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce’s Concord Young Professionals Network introduces you to the Young Professional of the Month for August, Kate Fleming. How old are you? 39. Where do you live? Concord. Where do you currently work? Intown Concord. Where did you go to school? University of Denver. What do you like to do for fun? Anything outside! Running in the woods with my friends, beach days with my family, skiing in the winter....

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Catch the final Granite State Roller Derby event of the year at Everett Arena

Catch the final Granite State Roller Derby event of the year at Everett Arena

If you like seeing women on roller skates shoving each other around a concrete track for a couple hours, you only have one more chance to see such a spectacle in Concord.We can only be referring to Granite State Roller Derby, which has its final Concord match of the season this Saturday at Everett Arena.The home team Legislashers will take on the Granite Skate Troopers, a team from the New Hampshire Roller Derby league, at 7 p.m. This...

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Check out this nice rural shot we found on Instagram

Check out this nice rural shot we found on Instagram

There have been some pretty nice sunsets around here this summer, and there’s no shortage of photos on Instagram to prove it. We liked this one, by user @michaelpmurphy, taken at the community gardens on Clinton Street. Something about the sky, the old bike with the box on the back and the floral surroundings just gives a quintessential New England summer feel, don’t you think?Have you taken a cool photo somewhere in Concord? If so,...

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Cyclones represent at 10U World Series

Cyclones represent at 10U World Series

The Capital Area Cyclones went down to the Babe Ruth 10U World Series with a laundry list of accomplishments. The local all-star softball squad was 28-1 on the season before heading down to Florida where the best of the best from all over the country would battle it out to decide the most elite squad in America. The Cyclones were the New Hampshire state champion, as well as the New England regional title holder. They even qualified...

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Who knew chickens were roaming Concord streets?

Who knew chickens were roaming Concord streets?

This chicken was recently seen walking around South Street. No word on whether he or she lives on the street or was just out for a leisurely stroll. It’s not every day you see a chicken roaming around downtown Concord, so we figured we’d share.

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On Display: Spinning Tales & Weaving Stories at League

On Display: Spinning Tales & Weaving Stories at League

The League of N.H. Craftsmen’s latest show has been open to the public for a little more than a month, but if you haven’t stopped in to see “Spinning Tales & Weaving Stories,” you might want to consider it. The exhibit showcases the work of juried craftsmen who put a special spin on the stories they tell through their craft, and as you can see, the work is pretty impressive. The best part is, this is only a small sample of what...

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Bulletin Board

Final summer show at St. Paul’s St. Paul’s Episcopal Church will host its final summer concert on Sunday at 4 p.m. The show, Gospel to Gershwin: Celebrating American Music, featuring Olga Tines, is the fifth concert of the season. Tickets are $7 and available at the parish office (21 Centre St.), by calling 224-2523 and at stpaulsconcord.org. You can also get them at Gibson’s Bookstore (45 S. Main St.). The series is part of St....

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Book of the Week: ‘Half the Sky’

Book of the Week: ‘Half the Sky’

Half the SkyNicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn2009, 294 pagesNonfiction I consider myself privileged, compared to many. I’ve received a splendid education. So why is it that I had no idea of the worst horror of our times, discussed in Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide?Did you know that: More of the world’s women have died in the last 50 years, simply because they were women, than all of the soldiers...

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This Week in Concord History

This Week in Concord History

Aug. 8, 1861: The Democratic Standard, a Concord newspaper with Southern sympathies, refers to the Union Army as “Old Abe’s Mob.” When angry returned soldiers from the First New Hampshire Volunteers gather outside the Standard office, the paper’s frightened proprietors stand in the windows, pistols in hand. The owners fire three shots in the melee that follows, but no one is injured. The mob burns some of the Standard’s property and...

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The Insider’s night out in Concord, 2017 edition

The Insider’s night out in Concord, 2017 edition

There was once a time when Tim and I had no problem staying up all hours of the night, roaming the streets and throwing caution to the wind. We used to be able to burn the candle at both ends with the best of them. That was before kids. Long before kids. These days, there’s a lot of going to bed at reasonable hours and getting ahead on house and yard work. But every once in a blue moon, when the stars align just right, we can find it...

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There’s lots for the kids to do on a night out

There’s lots for the kids to do on a night out

Most times, when you think of a night out on the town, it’s all centered around things for the adults to do.But as big kids ourselves – and guys who were once actually your age – we know what it’s like to just want to have a good time with your friends. To be clear mom and dad, we aren’t insinuating that you allow for your children stay out till the wee hours of the morning for a late night snack attack at Red Arrow, but rather let...

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The Insider’s guide to date night in Concord

The Insider’s guide to date night in Concord

As a couple of guys who are fully committed to our significant others (me being married almost five years and Jon about to take the plunge this month), we’re always looking for ways to keep the romance going.And there’s no better way than to take your special someone on a date night.Now, we can’t claim to be experts in the field of dating, but since we both have lovely ladies who want to spend the rest of their lives with us, we’ve...

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Go Try It: Singing bowl sound meditation at Back in Motion

Go Try It: Singing bowl sound meditation at Back in Motion

It feels like everybody is always so busy these days, especially in the summer. Between work, summer camps, vacations, yard work and all the other hassles of everyday life, it can be pretty easy to get yourself all wound up and out of balance. One way to relieve some of the stress is by attending singing bowl sound meditation sessions at Back in Motion, in The River Guild at the Smokestack Center. On the second and fourth Thursday of...

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Nonprofits sought for annual Day of Caring

Nonprofits sought for annual Day of Caring

Granite United Way will host its annual Day of Caring events in Merrimack County this September and is currently seeking projects from local nonprofits.This year marks the 25th year of Day of Caring events.Nonprofits can participate by submitting a project for the more than 2,000 volunteers that take part in Day of Caring, Granite United Way’s signature volunteer movement. Businesses and organizations will sign up to volunteer to help...

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Race on over to the 37th Concord Criterium

Race on over to the 37th Concord Criterium

You know all about the slew of road race type events in Concord every year. There’s the Rock ‘N Race, the Capital City Classic, the Making Strides walk/run, the Run United 5K, the Friendly Kitchen 5K and many more. But there’s one big cycling race, and it’s coming to town this Saturday. It’s called the Concord Criterium, and it’s coming back for a 37th year. The race is now the oldest and one of the most attended bike races in New...

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There’s a documentary about Concord Coach

There’s a documentary about Concord Coach

Did you know that Concord is world famous?No, surprisingly it’s not because all of our fans take the Insider with them on lavish trips around the globe, but rather for the Concord Coach.Back in its hey day, the Concord Coach was the ideal way to travel around the country – before things like trains and cars came around.But for many years, the Concord Coach reigned supreme with orders going to all areas of the country.And filmmaker...

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Head down to McGowan for a little ‘Inertia’

Head down to McGowan for a little ‘Inertia’

By now you’ve heard the news that McGowan Fine Art is staying open (and eventually moving to a new location) and is celebrating with a new show, “Inertia,” featuring lots of new work from 21 of the gallery’s artists. It will be on display through Aug. 25, so go take a peek.

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Friday is International Beer Day, so drink up

Friday is International Beer Day, so drink up

It seems like just about every day of the year is deemed some sort of holiday these days. There’s National Fried Chicken Day (July 6), Hobbit Day (Sept. 22), National Paper Airplane Day (May 26) and even Ask a Stupid Question Day (Sept. 28). But the most important one of all is coming up this Friday: International Beer Day. International Beer Day is a global celebration of beer, taking place in pubs, breweries and backyards all over...

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Look who’s trying to find love on Craigslist

Look who’s trying to find love on Craigslist

We took to Craigslist last week to see who had been posting on the Missed Connections pages in our neck of the woods during the month of July. And we found a ton of great entries to share – and that we could print, unedited, of course. And if you happened to make a connection with your missed connection, we want to know about it. Send us an email to news@theconcordinsider.com and tell us all about it.   Cute tall young guy...

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Free summer concerts are the absolute best

Free summer concerts are the absolute best

It’s not hard to find live music in the old capital city – especially during the summer months.What would be hard is to list every show coming up this week. So we found a couple great outdoor shows, as well two, one-time only concert in a church, for you to choose from. And the great thing about it is that all but one are free and that will only cost you an Abe Lincoln and two George Washingtons.As part of the ever-popular Concord...

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Friends give out  awards

Friends give out awards

The Friends of the Audi gave out their annual volunteer awards, including Friend of the Year, the Golden Pineapple and the Business Appreciation Award.

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Gibson’s book club to pick titles for next year’s reads

Gibson’s book club to pick titles for next year’s reads

Every August, the Gibson’s Bookstore book club sits down as a club and chooses a year’s worth of books to read. And it just so happens the group is getting together at the book store on Monday at 7 p.m. for their annual pow wow. So if you have a book that you really loved and want to share – or saw a title that caught your eye and want a reason to read it, stop by the store on Monday. Go with your suggestions, and be prepared to...

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On the Road: We took a trip to the land of pasta

On the Road: We took a trip to the land of pasta

We took a trip to Italy with Donna and Joe Raycraft of Penacook.

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Bulletin Board

Indoor/outdoor yard sale Saturday East Congregational Church will host an indoor/outdoor yard and bake on Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be clothing, books, holiday decor, kitchenware, glassware, decorative items, toys, games, puzzles, and much more available. The $3 bag sale starts at 11 a.m. Don’t miss the yummy bake sale. The sale will be held rain or shine. For more information and directions, visit eastchurchucc.org ....

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Book of the Week: ‘Casey Stengel’

Book of the Week: ‘Casey Stengel’

Casey Stengel Marty Appel 2017, 432 pages Biography In this new sports biography, baseball writer Marty Appel tells the story of one of baseball’s most colorful and enduring characters. Casey Stengel’s remarkable baseball career lasted more than five decades, during which his teams won 10 pennants and seven World Series championships. Always good for a quote while speaking in his native tongue “Stengelese,” Casey was a favorite of the...

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This Week in Concord History

This Week in Concord History

Aug. 1, 1848: The Boston, Concord and Montreal Railroad opens its line to Meredith Bridge (Laconia).   Aug. 1, 2001: The Concord Planning Board votes unanimously against a developer’s proposal to build a grocery store and shopping center in the South End. The developer will respond with a lawsuit challenging the decision.   Aug. 2, 1830: The Rev. Roger C. Hatch rides from Hopkinton to Concord to make the first deposit in the...

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July is the perfect time of year to get a head start on your Christmas crafting, shopping

July is the perfect time of year to get a head start on your Christmas crafting, shopping

You may not realize it just yet, but this is the absolute perfect time of year to get a jump on your Christmas crafting and decorating. If you wait until November or (gasp) even December to get going on these things, you’re most likely going to have to battle huge crowds, trudge through a few feet of snow, spend hours looking for a parking spot, pay hefty prices and deal with a picked-through selection. None of those problems exist in...

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It takes a lot of work to produce good Christmas trees

It takes a lot of work to produce good Christmas trees

There’s nothing quite like going to pick out the family Christmas tree.If you’re like us, you prefer to go to one of those farms where you walk around looking for the perfect one. And then cut it down yourself.It can be a little overwhelming with hundreds of nicely pruned trees to choose from. The good thing is that your choices are usually narrowed down a little bit by what height you’re looking for. Then it just comes down to what...

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