Now that’s an old selfie

Now that’s an old selfie

By now, it’s hard to find someone out there who hasn’t taken a selfie.It’s okay to admit it. There’s no shame in taking a photo or yourself in front of the State House or out to dinner with some friends.Selfies are just a part of everyday life these days, and you might as well get on board with it. While it seems to be a relatively newer craze – and one that’s basically taken over the world – pictures of one self have been around for...

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Staycation options for Concord

Staycation options for Concord

As you probably saw, we had a good time planning out our “Staycation” in Concord. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to actually do it all because we have a limited budget (like $0) and had lots of other things to get done over the course of a short week other than having a good time. We know, we don’t think it’s fair either. But nonetheless that’s the reality we were faced with, but we sure didn’t let that keep us from having fun...

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Tasty Brews Hoptical Illusion

Tasty Brews Hoptical Illusion

It had been a while since the In​sider pulled up a stool at the Red Blazer Peanut Pub. So last week, we took a little time at the end of a work day to see what “The Blazer” had on tap. Purely in the name of Insider Tasty Brew science, of course. And with more than 30 tapped brews to choose from, it’s not an easy decision. Like we’ve said in the past, we like hops and we only assume a large percentage of you do too. So if we see an IPA...

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Keep Concord beautiful with adopt-a-spot

Keep Concord beautiful with adopt-a-spot

We all want Concord to look beautiful. And that’s probably why the city crews do what they do on a daily basis to make it an attractive place to live and visit. But they can’t do it alone. There’s traffic islands and cul-de-sacs, mulch beds and sitting areas allover the city that need your help. And the adopt-a-spot program is exactly the way you can do your part. “It became the responsibility of the parks department, grounds...

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You don’t want to miss this derby rivalry

You don’t want to miss this derby rivalry

Insider staffOne point. That’s all that separated the Fighting Finches and Demolition Dames in the first match-up of the season.The Finches, who trailed by 50 at one point during the June 25 bout and 30 going into the final jam, had a come back for the ages to win 155-154 and take the early lead in the season series. And the close decision only added to what has become quite a rivalry between the two Granite State Roller Derby home...

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Need derby gear? Go to Spank Alley Skate

Need derby gear? Go to Spank Alley Skate

Insider staffThe most important thing when you sign up for roller derby is knowing how to skate. Whether you can take a hit and stay on your wheels is another obstacle, but being able to stand up and move forward on skates is a good first step – or glide.But next in line is having the right gear. So we stopped into Spank Alley Skate & Board Shop to see what it takes to be outfitted for a career in roller derby. Sure, it’s mostly a...

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The end is in sight for the Thomson brothers

The end is in sight for the Thomson brothers

Insider staff It’s been a long summer so far for Derek and Dylan Thomson, with riding their bicycles across the country and all.But the end is in sight for the Concord brothers, who will be pedaling their way into town on Tuesday (that’s today if you’re reading the Insider hot off the press). When we caught up with Derek last week, the duo was going through New York, on their way to New Hampshire and the ceremonial tire dip in the...

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Always think safety when using fireworks

Always think safety when using fireworks

We all want to enjoy the sights and sounds of our nation’s independence holiday. So that means backyard barbecues, lawn games – and, especially, fireworks. Some people prefer to check out the larger displays put on by cities and towns all over the state, while others like to stay home, avoid the crowds and traffic, and light off their own fireworks collection. And that’s okay. There are all kinds of cool fireworks you can buy and set...

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Beyond the Cubicle: It’s a dirty job, but someone had to do it

Beyond the Cubicle: It’s a dirty job, but someone had to do it

Everyone loves Market Days. The food, the entertainment and the people watching were all good reasons you should have gone to the annual three-day festival last week. If you didn’t make it, there’s always next year. But while you were out enjoying yourself, walking down the middle of Main Street without a care in the world, there was a lot going on to make sure Market Days lived up to the hype. That includes trash duty. It’s not the...

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You’ll be on the edge of your seat at this show

You’ll be on the edge of your seat at this show

Insider staff Greg and Jan Sanderson were looking for a reboot of sorts.They moved from the city to a remote farmhouse in the country after Jan’s nervous episode had landed her in a hospital recently and the move was done to help her in recovery.Its been a tough couple of months and this exactly what Greg, played by Matt Potter, believes his wife needs.Soon, you’re introduced to George Willowby, portrayed by Ursula Boutwell, a country...

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Strawberry season is here, so go pick your own

Strawberry season is here, so go pick your own

Insider staff When it comes to strawberry picking, you have to get low to the ground to find the good ones.Unlike apples and blueberries, strawberries make you work a little. They don’t sit out there in plain sight just waiting for you to grab and toss in your bucket. It’s a lot of bending and kneeling, moving away leaves in search of that distinct shade of red. You know what I mean.Sometimes you see it and the berry is perfect, other...

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The Audubon is having a party

The Audubon is having a party

Did you know that about a third of your food depends directly on pollination? How about that 75 percent of the world’s flowering plants need pollinators to grow? And what about the notion that there are more than 100 native pollinators in North America, and not just the honey bee, which most people think of and isn’t even native to here? Well, those are just a few of the fun facts you might add to the memory bank if you check out the...

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South Church is hosting its final garden tour

South Church is hosting its final garden tour

Insider staff Don’t you just love the signs of spring.The sun is shining for more hours a day than it’s not, people are walking around in shorts, T-shirts and flip flops and beautiful flowers are popping up everywhere.And even if you’re not the best gardner or forgot to get those early season bulbs in the ground last fall, you can still enjoy the colorful array of blooms. All you have to do is sign up for South Congregational Church’s...

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Checking in with the Thomson brothers

Checking in with the Thomson brothers

A few weeks back, we introduced you to Derek and Dylan Thomson. In case you missed it, here’s a little info on them. They are brothers; they grew up in Concord and both hit big educational milestones this year with Derek graduating from Emerson College in May and Dylan doing the same from Concord Christian this past Saturday, via Skype. That’s because the brothers are currently pedaling their way across the country to raise money for...

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You never know what you’re going to find at the stamp auction

You never know what you’re going to find at the stamp auction

The price of the collection just kept going up. It started at $15, the dollar amount Dan Day was looking for a book of select late 19th-century stamps that had various cancellations and stamped dates. Then the price went to $20 and $25. Before long, auctioneer Ron Emery could hardly keep up with the two gentlemen who sought after the small piece of Day’s massive collection that he was ready to move on from. As the price crept up in $5...

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Havenwood program helps residents create ‘Art From the Heart’

Havenwood program helps residents create ‘Art From the Heart’

When we enter our retirement years and subsequently can’t live on our own anymore, we sure do hope to end up at a place like Havenwood-Heritage Heights. They’ve got an ice cream parlor, a pool table and tap maple trees around the campus in the spring. And those are just a few of the things we caught a glimpse of last week when we stopped by to check out the reception for Art From the Heart. It was a recent 10-week program for older...

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Get primed for Easter with ConcordTV’s Easter Eggstravaganza

Get primed for Easter with ConcordTV’s Easter Eggstravaganza

We know how exciting it is to wake up on Easter morning and find a basket filled with that fake green grass, chocolate bunnies, colorful plastic eggs filled with all kinds of assorted candy and other candies wrapped in foil. Now just imagine seeing about 100 baskets, filled with just about anything you could imagine, all around the big open room at the Bektash Shrine Center. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Unfortunately, unlike your...

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If you love soup – or just like it – SouperFest is the place for you

If you love soup – or just like it – SouperFest is the place for you

Think soup. At least that’s what the powers that be with this year’s SouperFest want you to do. And can you blame them? That’s kind of an important piece of the fundraising puzzle and if you’re a soup connoisseur, enthusiast or just kind of like trying new flavors, this is definitely the event for you. Now in it’s seventh year, SouperFest will be held Saturday at Rundlett Middle School and has turned into a pretty big deal – one that...

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In need of a soup bowl? We’ve got just the collection to choose from

In need of a soup bowl? We’ve got just the collection to choose from

There are certain things you need to enjoy soup. Of course, there’s the soup itself (a spoon is also helpful), but having something to put your soup in is kind of a must. And if you go to SouperFest this Saturday, you can buy yourself a brand-new handmade bowl – as well as enjoy lots of flavors of soup. The whole soup bowls for sale thing is a new addition to the SouperFest lineup and just another way to raise more money for the...

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It’s going to be a delicious weekend in the maple syrup world

It’s going to be a delicious weekend in the maple syrup world

Your pancakes, waffles and French toast are going to taste so much better after you read this. So much better. If you haven’t noticed, it’s maple syrup season in these here parts. Well, actually all over the Northeast, but we’re not concerned with all those other places. We care about what’s happening in Concord and Bow – because those are the two places we cover. Anywho, since the sap has been flowing for a couple weeks and syrup...

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21C is in the business of offering all kinds of great daily programs

21C is in the business of offering all kinds of great daily programs

The sign hanging outside Sue Farrelly’s office at Concord High School says it all. “21C is for anyone, anytime.” Because that’s the point of the Capital City 21st Century Community Learning Centers, based at four schools in the Concord School District. Any student at any of the schools, can and should be able to take advantage of all the program has to offer – any day they want. 21C is a five-year, federally funded grant program. Each...

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Tim took on the students of Broken Ground in Minute to Win It

Tim took on the students of Broken Ground in Minute to Win It

It’s never easy to complete a random task you’re just learning about for the first time, especially when you only have 60 seconds to do it. But that’s just how it goes when you play Minute to Win It. No, unfortunately my dreams of being on the short-lived television show were never realized, but I found the next best thing last week. Turns out, as part of the 21C after-school program, students at Broken Ground School get to take part...

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Womeade of Concord to host Polar Plunge

Womenade of Concord is hosting its 2nd annual polar plunge fundraiser on Sunday, March 13, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at  Grappone Conference Center, 70 Constitution Ave. As of Tuesday, there were more than 70 brave souls committed to jumping into a Sofpool filled with cold water in the conference center parking lot on Sunday. Luckily, the weather for this weekend looks to be seasonally warm (in the upper 50s at last check), so it...

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Woodward and Crane are ‘enjoying the journey’ to Boston

Woodward and Crane are ‘enjoying the journey’ to Boston

For someone who’s never done it before (us included), the thought of running a marathon is what you might call a little crazy. All right, it’s a lot crazy. You spend hours running each week, most of the time by yourself, for months in a row and as your training progresses, the mileage only increases. You run in the rain and the snow, when it’s freezing out and before most people wake up for the day. It takes you away from your friends...

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Before sap starts flowing from the maple trees, you’ve got to tap

Before sap starts flowing from the maple trees, you’ve got to tap

If you’re a fresh maple syrup connoisseur, you probably know that time of year is fast approaching. It’s hard not to get excited about that first jug of the season, but be patient because the really sweet stuff isn’t quite ready. You’ve probably started to pay a little closer attention to those plastic lines connecting maple trees on the side of the road these days and if you look real close, those large holding tanks will soon be...

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R.P. Hale is a man with many talents, and one is playing music

R.P. Hale is a man with many talents, and one is playing music

For a lot of people, being able to play one instrument pretty well is an accomplishment. But, R.P. Hale isn’t like most people. Actually, put all his abilities into one neat little basket and we’d go out on a limb and say there’s not really anybody out there quite like Hale. At least not that we’ve come across in our travels around Concord and Bow. Unless you’re a musician or really into music, odds are you’ve never heard of a...

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Extra, extra: ‘The Porcelain Post’ is the place for your NHTI news

Extra, extra: ‘The Porcelain Post’ is the place for your NHTI news

We can all appreciate something to read in the bathroom. You know, when nature calls. Cell phones have cut down on the necessity of a book, magazine or newspaper, especially when you’re not at home. Sure, we expect you to keep a copy of the latest Insider on you at all times, but we understand it doesn’t always happen that way. And what if you left your celly at home or it’s out of battery? Just think of the boredom that will ensue as...

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If you’re looking for a new look, give Katie Lord-Smith a call

If you’re looking for a new look, give Katie Lord-Smith a call

We’re all faced with making difficult decisions from time to time. Like those days when you add a third cookie to your plate or opt for that extra scoop of mac and cheese – with bacon, of course. And those other times when you skip the gym for happy hour or buy yourself that expensive pair of Air Jordans instead of a pair of winter boots. And for Katie Lord-Smith that time came last month. One day she came to the realization she...

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We tagged along with members of the Concord Fire Department

We tagged along with members of the Concord Fire Department

One of the best things about this job – outside of the occasional baked goods and entry into just about anything in the city for free – is that no day is really ever the same. Sure, I’m doing interviews, writing stories and taking pictures on a daily basis, but it’s almost never with the same people and even more rarely on the same topic. You really never know how the day is going to play out – and it’s one of the reasons I enjoy what...

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Easter Eggstravaganza is coming and ConcordTV needs your help

Easter Eggstravaganza is coming and ConcordTV needs your help

You’ve all probably been to the Festival of Trees at the Bektash Shrine Center. You know, the fundraiser held the week of Thanksgiving each of the last 15 years where you can take in all the Christmassy sights and buy some raffle tickets for a chance to win a fake tree covered with all kind of goodies. It’s been a big hit, raising lots of money for the Shriners, and ConcordTV is hoping to ride those coattails a little bit. But instead...

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