Help Heights residents celebrate past and present at Old Home Day

Help Heights residents celebrate past and present at Old Home Day

In 2013, a group of former Dame School classmates from 1960-1968 decided it was long overdue to host a reunion of sorts for neighbors and friends that grew up on the Concord Heights. A decade when on any given day there would be a neighborhood pick-up basketball or baseball game, the pool was filled to its limits, the park was filled with families and the sound of laughter; where the community held Fourth of July and Christmas parades...

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There’s still time to get in on all the Monahan Foundation fun

There’s still time to get in on all the Monahan Foundation fun

Well, the Frank Monahan Foundation is at it again. That fun-loving group that’s made it its mission to spread the good word about the former Bishop Brady basketball coach and raise all kinds of money to benefit local youth is gearing up for its signature event. The Fore the Kids Golf Classic is less than two weeks away, but this year, instead of just one big fundraising effort at a time, they’ve decided to make a weekend of it with...

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Playing dodgeball in a rock climbing gym is a thing that exists now

Playing dodgeball in a rock climbing gym is a thing that exists now

In the famous words of Patches O’Houlihan, if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.And if you ever happen to be playing the character of Justin in a remake of the movie Dodgeball, this is when we’d urge you to quickly use one of the five D’s of dodgeball – dodge, duck, dip, pe or dodge. Yes, we know there are really only four, but you can’t really argue with Patches.Luckily for all of us, wrenches aren’t typically used when...

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In the market for new Market Days entertainment? Good, here’s some

We love being able to walk down the middle of the street without the threat of a moving vehicle causing what would be an otherwise unnecessary trip the emergency room.And while that’s one of the many reasons we enjoy Market Days, it’s not the only one. There is delicious food, music and mini golf to sweeten the pot. But as we started to gear up for the annual Market Days festival, we started thinking, what could we add to Market Days...

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If you’re in need of care, CRVNA will come right to your front door

If you’re in need of care, CRVNA will come right to your front door

The last thing any of us wants is to get sick or injured. Unless it happens to be on a Friday when it gives you a random three-day weekend. But usually when those circumstances arise, it’s more of a quick thing and you’re back to your normal self when Monday rolls around. What we’re talking about are real illnesses or injuries that require more than a day on the couch and an extra nap; like a trip to the emergency room or maybe even...

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This Week In Concord History

June 30, 2003: The House narrowly fails to override Gov. Craig Benson’s veto of the Legislature’s 2004-05 state budget, leaving New Hampshire without a new two-year spending plan when the 2004 fiscal year began at midnight. The government will not shut down today, however, because lawmakers passed a temporary budget that will keep the state running through Oct. 1.June 30, 2001: A year-long effort to protect Concord’s Sunnycrest Farm...

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City Briefly

Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell stubs his big toe on the corner of his desk and bandages it up with little pieces of the city memo. We had to do the Little Piggy song to read it all, but we tracked it down and have it for you right here.Flushing out the problemDon’t clog stuff upConcord General Services will be including a reminder to consumers on their upcoming water bills about how to prevent blockages in the city’s sanitary...

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Payson Center gets major gift for LINAC machine

The Telemachus and Irene Demoulas Family Foundation has presented Concord Hospital Trust with a major gift that will help bring the next generation of radiation technology to Payson Center for Cancer Care in 2016. The donation is part of a campaign to raise $2 million to purchase a new linear accelerator (or LINAC) machine that will improve cancer treatment and save lives by precisely targeting radiation to destroy cancer cells, while...

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Concord Picks to help share recommendations

Concord Public Library has started a fun, new way for people to share recommendations at the library. There’s now a “Concord Picks” cart near the new books. When people return something they really enjoyed, they can recommend it to other library users. It’s as simple as putting a “Concord Picks” card in the item before dropping it into the book return, with or without comments about why it’s a great read/listen/view. Once it’s checked...

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‘Summer Fun’ is next show at McGowan

McGowan Fine Art announces the opening of “Summer Fun,” a group show featuring works that reflect imagery of summertime. This show brings together a selection of artists that McGowan Fine Art represents, with a perse selection of works that include swimmers, boats and beaches. The show will run in the gallery from July 6 to Aug. 8. Summertime works by familiar favorites will be on display, such as the serene and luminescent pool...

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Spots open for Joyful Noise Preschool in Bow

Joyful Noise Preschool, located on Branch Londonderry Turnpike East in Bow, is accepting registrations for the fall. The 3/4 class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays and the 4/5 class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 to 11:45 a.m. For additional information call 224-3133 or visit the website

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Nevers Band kicks off summer music series

The Concord Parks and Recreation summer music series will kick off another year on Saturday, July 4, with a performance by the Nevers Band at 7:45 p.m. at Memorial Park. On Tuesday, July 7, the Nevers Band will play at Riverside Park (Everett Arena) at 7 p.m. And on Thursday, July 9, Delanie Pickering, a blues guitarist/singer/song-writer, is set to perform at 7 p.m. at Eagle Square. For more information on Concord Recreation...

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Sign up for ConcordTV’s beginner video camp

During the week of July 6-10, from 12:30 to 5 p.m., Beginner Video Camp will be held at ConcordTV’s Studio B in the Heights Community Center, 14 Canterbury Road. Cost is $100 for residents, $110 for non-residents. For more info or to sign up, contact Concord Parks and Rec at 226-8690 or ConcordTV at 226-8872 or email

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Hospital has new video monitoring system

Concord Hospital introduced a new, high-tech video monitoring system to enhance its patient safety plan of care. In June, the Hospital implemented the AvaSys Video Monitoring System for patients who may need closer observation to protect them from falls or potential harm, such as removing life-saving devices. The system allows a single, trained observer to monitor up to 10 patients at once via video monitoring camera from a central...

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Concord Public Library Book of the Week

For more information about the Concord Public Library, visit, and visit us on Tumblr at and, and also visit us on Facebook at Before YouJojo Moyes2012, 369 pagesFictionMe Before You is about Will Traynor, a wealthy man paralyzed in an accident, and Louisa Clark, a woman whose life experience has been limited in part because...

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The best way to get fresh strawberries is to pick them yourself

In case you missed the memo, strawberries are currently in season; and, might we add, very delicious. We checked out the picking action at Apple Hill Farm last week, and let’s just say we expect plenty of pies, smoothies and jams to be made in the not too distant future. Picking times are 8 a.m. to noon, Monday through Saturday, through the 89 Hoit Road entrance. The season runs through early July; and there’s also Rossview Farm,...

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Sue McCoo has been around for lots of Market Days; 100 to be exact

Sue McCoo has been around for lots of Market Days; 100 to be exact

Sue McCoo has spent 34 years as a business owner on Main Street, first with Capitol Craftsmen before adding the Viking House to the mix two years ago. And outside of two days, she has been a mainstay for every Market Days during the three-plus decades. She has been part of the Market Days committee and served on the Intown Concord board, and on Saturday, McCoo will mark her 100th day of involvement with Concord’s annual street fair....

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What can you get for $177,000? Enough gold to cover the dome

What can you get for $177,000? Enough gold to cover the dome

Have you ever wondered what’s inside that gold covered dome on top of the State House? Well so did we, which is why we tried to arrange a private tour of the most recognizable spot in our beloved state capital, but unfortunately our efforts were thwarted when we learned it’s actually closed to the public. So instead of giving you this glamorous look inside the dome, complete with pictures and tall tales of all the fun we had, we all...

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There’s some funky looking art hanging on the McGowan walls

In case you haven’t stopped by McGowan Fine Art recently, there’s a show going on featuring the work of Lucy Mink and Amparo Carvajal Hufschmid. And FYI, it will be on display through July 3.

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Instagram photo of the Week – Tue, 16 Jun 2015

Instagram photo of the Week – Tue, 16 Jun 2015

Look at good ol’ Danny Webster, still getting the ladies excited at the ripe old age of 235. We guess that’s what happens when you’re tall, dark and literally sculpted. Word has it he’s also a tremendous listener and he never talks back. This photo is from Instagram user @cherryblueskies89 and was snapped during her second day in New Hampshire – we can only assume she was hangin’ with Franky Pierce the first day. Keep ‘em coming,...

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You smell that? That’s the sweet aroma of Market Days

You smell that? That’s the sweet aroma of Market Days

Don’t look now, but – wait, actually now would be a pretty good time to look. Because if you’re not paying attention, you might miss Market Days. And we simply can’t have that. Yeah, we know, we thought it was in July, too. It usually is. But because of the downtown construction on the Main Street project, everyone’s favorite street fair is moving to a new month this summer. We hope you’re ready, because it starts this Thursday! Don’t...

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Hurling happened this weekend – on a field with referees and stuff

The Barley House Wolves had their hurling home opener at Amoskeag Beverages in Bow on Saturday afternoon, and hurl they did! They defeated a visiting team from Hartford, and if we understood how the scoring went in hurling, we’d totally put the final score here. It was a perfect day for some good action, though, and there was plenty of opening-day pageantry – the teams walked onto the field to the sound of bagpipes and the first ball...

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City Briefly

Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell inflates the city memo to twist it into a doggy balloon animal, but accidentally uses helium. Thankfully he’s able to recite the memo while clinging to the balloon with one arm as he floats over the city. Let it lift you up right here!We vote for renovationsA building fit for a PrezConcord Housing & Redevelopment is launching several major projects this summer at one of its older buildings, the...

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This Week In Concord History

June 16, 1842: The Democratic platform, as reported in Concord’s New Hampshire Patriot, rails against Whig support for broadening the rights granted to corporations. Only “an unwarranted construction of the Constitution” sanctions corporate privileges, the platform says. “If the policy of creating corporations be continued much longer, our country will (have) all the outward forms of a free Government, but . . . will in fact be...

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This Week In Concord History

June 23, 2001: A strong economy and a shortage of apartments have pushed up the median cost of rent and utilities for a two-bedroom apartment in Concord by 23 percent over the last four years, the Monitor reports. What used to cost $710 a month now costs $873, according to the state Housing Finance Authority.June 23, 2000: James Hall is convicted of second-degree murder for strangling his 77-year-old mother in their Concord...

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The Green Street Community Center basketball floor is so perty now

The Green Street Community Center basketball floor is so perty now

The Green Street Community Center underwent a significant facelift this spring. Or maybe it was more a face replacement – the old gym floor was ripped up and a brand new one was put down. Dare we say, it looks tremendous!

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CVS on North Main now carrying PAYT trash bags

CVS Pharmacy at 46 N. Main St. is now carrying purple pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) trash bags! This new bag retailer is the 23rd location added to the list of PAYT bag retailers. Find the full list of all bag vendors and more information about the city of Concord’s solid waste services by visiting

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The East Concord Garden Club ladies sure know how to plant

Every spring the ladies of the East Concord Garden Club break out their gardening gloves and tools and take to Pecker Memorial Park on Mountain Road as part of their community service projects. Here’s what we saw when we stopped by.

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Row with the Concord Crew this summer

The Concord Crew Summer Rowing Camps offer a wonderful opportunity for new rowers. The programs are skill-based and instructional, and provide the perfect opportunity to try out a new sport or refine your technique, learn a new skill and make some new friends. Session 1 will run from June 22 to July 16, Monday through Thursday, 5-to-7 p.m. Session 2 will be held July 20 to Aug. 13, Monday through Thursday, 5-to-7 p.m. Cost is $250 per...

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Music, movie and poster sale at Red River

Red River Theatres will be hosting its annual fundraising event, the Music, Movie & Poster Sale, during Market Days this Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 25-27. It will be held inside the theater from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day. Items for sale will include an eclectic selection of music on CD, record and tape, movies on DVD and VHS, and hundreds of full size movie posters. All proceeds go to support your local non-profit...

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