The acclaimed film “B l ack Dog” will be shown on Friday, Jan. 24, at 7 p.m. in the Sweeney Hall Auditorium (S122) on the campus of NHTI, 31 College Drive. Winner of the 2024 Cannes Film Festival “Un Certain Reg a rd ”Award, “Black Dog” is a noir-inspired mystery about redemption and change. The film follows Lang, played by internationally renowned actor Eddie Peng, as he returns to his hometown in Northwest China after being released from jail. Facing his troubled past, Lang takes work rounding up stray dogs in preparation for the 2008 Olympics as his town undergoes demolition for urban renewal. He forms an unexpected bond with a stray black dog, creating a poignant narrative of two solitary souls finding redemption. The film, directed by an emerging voice in Chinese cinema, features extraordinary cinematography that captures the stark beauty of the Gobi Desert and the emotional depth of its story. It is in Chinese with English subtitles and runs 116 minutes. Admission is free for NHTI students with a valid ID. General admission is $10, payable by cash or check at the door. Parking is free on campus. For more information, contact Steve Ambra at