The 8th annual Ready To Learn Fair will take place on Aug. 24 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Rundlett Middle School cafeteria.
Each year students in need from Concord can come to the fair and pick up the supplies they need to be successful in the coming school year. Backpacks, gym bags and school supplies are available. Additionally, the school will have toiletries, hats, gloves, socks, and more. Students will even be able to get that much-loved back-to-school hair cut to really be ready for that first day of school. In a time when inflation is hurting more families, the Ready To Learn Fair is here to help. All items are free to needy Concord families.
School buses will be available from several locations around Concord to get to the fair. A schedule will be published on our Facebook page. For more information, visit The Ready To Learn Facebook page at