City newsletter: New hours for city pools

The city manager’s office sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The full newsletter can be found by going to and clicking the “Newsletter” button. Here are some highlights:


City meetings are held in person in Council Chambers at 37 Green St. (unless otherwise specified on the City’s calendar). Upcoming meetings include:

City Council: July 11, 7 p.m.

Planning Board: July 20, 7 p.m.

Visit for agendas, which are posted prior to the meetings. View the City calendar for more meetings and events.

Hoit Road Work

F.L. Merrill Construction has completed Phase 1 (of 3) of the Hoit Road (US Route 4) Roundabout Improvement Project along the north side of Hoit Road. The new traffic pattern for Phase II has been established with two-way traffic now shifted to the north side of Hoit Road with through and turning lane designations indicated on the pavement. This will allow the contractor to begin road box widening on the south side of the road (Mobil Gas Station side). This traffic pattern will remain in effect until the third week of July.

Utility Billing System Launched

The Utility Billing Office has officially launched a new billing system that includes changes to utility bills, account numbers, and online management of accounts for Concord water and sewer utility customers.

New Online Portal: Citizen Self Service (CSS) has launched on the City of Concord’s website and has replaced the existing eSuite Utilities Services web portal. Similar to the previous portal, with CSS you can view an account summary, bill history, consumption history, account transactions, and modify enrollment in eBilling. Features that are new with this portal include the ability to update a mailing address and to pay your bill online. Our existing online Utility Payment System has been discontinued on the City’s website and online bill payments can now be made using CSS. Now, account management and bill payments are easier than ever with one unified portal! A nominal convenience fee will still apply to online bill payments. You will have to register for a new CSS account and will not be able to login using your existing eSuite Utilities Services portal login. Please wait for your new utility bill to arrive first, as you will need your new customer number and account number to create your account. Once your bill has arrived, follow along to the instructions online to set up your account.

New Bills: New utility bills have started to reach customers and will continue with the next billing cycle soon. Bills have an updated look that is easier to read, more visually appealing, and contain recent consumption history. View a sample of the new bills online.

New Account Numbers: Account numbers have changed to include the first six digits of your existing account number, plus a separate unique customer number. The account number will be associated with the service address for the water/sewer account, while the customer number will be assigned to you. This upgrade allows for enhanced security while enabling the ability to group multiple accounts for easier access and efficient maintenance.

The Utility Billing Office is still in the process of transitioning to a new phone number for bill payments by phone. Customers may continue to use the existing number at this time: 1-800-615-9507. The new phone number will be provided once configuration is complete.

Street Paving

The City’s Neighborhood Street Paving Program continues with Continental Paving, Inc. as the City’s paving contractor for this year. Sidewalk work on South Street has been completed this week. Work started last week to lower covers on South State Street from South Main Street to Pleasant Street in preparation of pavement reclamation next week.

Work is weather permitting. Parking will be prohibited on these streets between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Residents will have road access to their homes. Find more information and a tentative schedule of streets approved for paving at

Roller skating

Roller skating is available for a limited time at the Douglas N. Everett Arena through July 31. Hours are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday nights from 6 to 9 p.m. Admission is $5. Skate rentals are available if needed for an additional $5 at the Everett Arena Pro Shop. Book a private roller skating event for a birthday party, field trip, or rainout event. Private events only cost $150 an hour. Call (603) 228-2784 or email if interested. Find more information at

Pool schedules

The Concord Parks & Recreation Department is announcing some changes to the City’s pools schedules.

Merrill Pool will be closed on weekends and instead, White Park pool will be open on Saturdays and Sundays going forward for the duration of the summer.

The new pool schedule will start this Saturday and is follows:

Monday – Friday: Rollins, Heights, Merrill and Rolfe Pools – open for public swim 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. and 6 to 7:30 p.m.

These pools also have morning and evening swim lessons.

Saturday and  Sunday: Rollins, Heights, Rolfe Pools – open for public swim 12:30 – 4:30 p.m.  (Merrill Pool closed on weekends)

White Park Pool open for public swim 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., 12:30 pm – 4: 30 both days.

The department continues to work on recruiting additional lifeguards and interested applicants are encouraged to apply online.

For more information on pool rules and swim lessons please visit

Concord Beeches & Brews Walk

Join Merrimack River Watershed Council for a walking tour of the large champion trees that grow in downtown Concord. Champion trees are the biggest individuals of their species on the county, state, and national level, and Concord is home to a number of significant, impressive specimens. The walk will be 1 mile, starting at the state offices campus and ending at the capitol building. After that, we will head over to Concord Craft Brewing Co. at 5 p.m. for a happy hour.

When: July 7, 4 – 6 p.m. Rain date is July 14.

Where: Meet us at the state offices campus across from 1 Barberry Lane. There is free parking on Merrimack St. and Pine St.

This is a free event, but registration is required at

Author: Insider Staff

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