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Walker Lecture

The Walker Lecture Series invites you to join us for “Central and South America,a Travelogue” with Marlin Darrah. Explore the beautiful Spanish colonial town of Antigua, Guatemala; the stunning islands and Mayan monuments of Belize; the renowned National Parks of Costa Rica; the marvel of the Panama Canal and the Indians of the San Blas Island of Colombia; the incomparable mountain UNESCO World Heritage sites of Cuzco and Machu Picchu in Peru: the great Iguaçu Falls and Amazon River in Brazil; and finally, Caracas and the Lost World Region of Venezuela. Filmmaker Marlin Darrah will be on hand for questions and conversation. The lecture will be held March 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the Concord City Auditorium. It is free. For more information, visit walkerlecture.org.

Author talk

Gibson’s Bookstore is pleased to join Books & Books, the Miami Book Fair, and indie bookstore partners across America to present Azar Nafisi, in conversation with Jacki Lyden, discussing Nafisi’s new book, Read Dangerously: The Subversive Power of Literature in Troubled Times. The virtual event will be held March 19 at 7 p.m. via Zoom.

This is a ticketed virtual event, with a copy of Read Dangerously included with each ticket. Your ticket includes admission to this virtual event and a hardcover copy of Read Dangerously ($26.99 retail price), as well as sales tax, shipping, and handling (if applicable). Registration is available at eventbrite.com/e/ 277646266457. (Preorders of Read Dangerously from Gibson’s Bookstore will receive entrance to the virtual event as well.)

Wild and Scenic Film Festival

Each year, the New Hampshire Rivers Council brings one of the largest environmental film festivals to you, in theaters or on your screen.

This year it will be virtual on March 25 beginning at 7 p.m.

If you can’t be part of the big night or missed a film, your ticket price includes video-on-demand for five days.

This is the twelfth year that the New Hampshire Rivers Council will host this sold-out event. The Wild & Scenic Film Festival provides environmentally-conscious organizations with an opportunity to showcase films as a way to reach their communities and inspire citizens to effect environmental change. The Festival offers a way for viewers to get energized and empowered to work in the community and get involved in the Council’s initiatives and other projects.

The event includes a number of ways to showcase national sponsors as well as local business partners, including a virtual reception.

The ticket cost for introductory (first time members only, please), not-yet-members includes a one-year membership to the New Hampshire Rivers Council and all the associated benefits.

For more information or to buy tickets, visit nhrivers.org/film-festival-2022.


Author: Insider Staff

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