Poetry discussion
Carol Westberg and Sue Burton join Gibson’s Bookstore virtually for a poetry reading on Jan. 20 at 7 p.m. via Zoom.
The lyric poems in Ice Lands journey through regions of knowing and not knowing, alive to our mortal connections in this precarious world. According to poet Mark Cox, these poems navigate “the liminal intersections of the natural and human worlds,” and Betsy Sholl describes Ice Lands as “a luminous and stunning book, blending grief with wisdom and awe.”
This book, as Lisa Russ Spaar says, “reads like a breviary for navigating the second decade of the 21st century. The poems move with an insomniacal attentiveness … and put … a spur to the truth that ‘we’re all so much more than we know.’”
Sue D. Burton, winner of the 2017 Two Sylvia’s Prize, is the author of Box.
“Sue D. Burton’s Box is a brilliant, imperative, masterful collection. I envy this book; I covet and adore it. It is a book of the body and the soul, of the body as a trap for the soul, and the box — from the magician’s box, where the body is sawn in half, to the coffin — as a trap for the (female) body. It is a book of mirth and snark,” writes Diane Seuss.
Registration is required at eventbrite.com/ e/218029952457.
Jazz sanctuary
This Sunday at 1 p.m., Jazz Sanctuary will explore “Turning the Tables – The Jazz of Righteous Anger,” at Concord’s First Congregational Church (177 N. Main St. – corner of N. Main and Washington St.) with Vocalist and Pastor Emilia Halstead and the Prodigals Jazz Worship Ensemble with original jazz arrangements by the group’s leader, Bob “Dr. Cool” Maccini. A “readers theater” presented by actors and clergy will enter the story of Jesus turning over the money changers’ tables in order to discuss how to discern when anger can be the energy for needed change rather than the fuel for violence and trauma. Please join us for this important gathering with conversation – admission is free and all are welcome. Masking, social distancing, and contact tracing will be employed to maintain safety for everyone.
Monthly Forum: Preview of 2022 Legislative Session
The Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce will host a panel of leading political reporters to share insight on the top issues in the 2022 legislative session. Learn what may affect your business activity, which issues will be hotly debated, and what topics to keep an eye on during the coming months. It will be held Jan. 13 at 11:30 a.m. at the Holiday Inn in Concord. Panelists include Annmarie Timmins, New Hampshire Bulletin, Kevin Landrigan, New Hampshire Union Leader and Adam Sexton, WMUR-TV, with moderator Dave Juvet from the Business & Industry Association of NH will field your questions and address topics pertinent to your industry; those who pre-register will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance. nt Safety Information:
Due to the significant increase of COVID-19 cases in this region, we request that all attendees wear face masks at this event, unless eating or drinking. Face masks and hand sanitizer will be available. Anyone with cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms should refrain from attending.
Cost is $30 Chamber members or $40 non-members (includes lunch). Please RSVP by January 7. Register online at: https://bit.ly/Previewof2022.