Sofia Smirnioudis holds the 71st turkey that the Windmill Restaurant will be cooking for their Turkey meal tradition at the restaurant as they prepare for the meals on Wednesday, November 27, 2019. Sofia and her husband Louis started the traiditon, paired with the Friendly Kitchen in offering meals to the homeless. His son, Kosmas and then entire family get all ready for the 1,000 people expected. GEOFF FORESTER

Sofia Smirnioudis holds the 71st turkey that the Windmill Restaurant will be cooking for their Turkey meal tradition at the restaurant as they prepare for the meals on Wednesday, November 27, 2019. Sofia and her husband Louis started the traiditon, paired with the Friendly Kitchen in offering meals to the homeless. His son, Kosmas and then entire family get all ready for the 1,000 people expected. GEOFF FORESTER

Lithermans co-owner and head brewer Steve Bradbury adds ingredients to a batch of Misguided Angel. TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff

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