The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts
By Gary Chapman
(203 pages, 2015, nonfiction)
We all receive love differently. How we receive love may not be how our partner receives love, which can cause miscommunications.
There are five different love languages: words of affirmation, actions, gifts, quality time, and physical touch. This book goes over each love language and even has a quiz, so you can find out your and your partner’s love language. While all are important, everyone has that one primary love language.
Once you know, you can then show your partner love in a way they will be able to understand it as love. You may like to receive gifts and experience love in that way, but your partner might just want quality time with you. If you try to show them love by buying them gifts instead of spending time with them, they are not going to get the message of love, which will cause problems in your relationship.
This is a book I wish I had read sooner.
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Amy Cornwell