See 1900s style magic show and dream big at Audi

Concord City Auditorium welcomes the community to a Sunday afternoon celebration of theatrical magic, historical and hysterical, all taking place in the sunlit reception lobby on March 1.

At 1 p.m., travel back in time with award-winning performer Andrew Pinard as he transforms, in costume and character, into Boston-born magician Jonathan Harrington.

“Harrington – Feats of Legerdemain” presents mysteries and wonders from the 19th century, often with the assistance of audience members. Upon arrival, Harrington will exhibit the whole of his grand, extensive, and original apparatus. The historical recreation promises “Rare, Unexcelled Entertainment for a small admission. Every piece featured shall be Chaste, Moral, and Amusing.”

The Concord City Auditorium opened in 1904, a time when such magical performances were favorite local attractions. The Hatbox Theatre and The Friends of the Audi are pulling the event out of the proverbial hat, and look forward to welcoming an all-ages audience. Tickets are available online at and at the door.

After a brief intermission, at 3:30 p.m., the Friends of The Audi welcome the community for a special opportunity to share the theatre’s special magic created by its legion of volunteer supporters and presenters.

In 1991, as the Friends formed to preserve and maintain our historic municipal stage, people gathered to create a Wish List of the Audi needs, wants, and dreams. The list became a “Strategic Plan” and by 2020 the list was checked off. The Friends of the Audi – that’s everyone – have raised and invested over $2 million to upgrade the theatre – with no paid staff and no tax dollars. The 1991 wants and needs are completed, the wishes all granted. That sounds a lot like magic.

Now it’s time to meet again and plan future projects, create a new list of what the City Auditorium needs and wants, and what seems only a dream. Everyone is welcome, in the Audi spirit, to “Show Up and Pitch In.”

For more information, call 344-4747.

Author: Insider Staff

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