Due to space constraints, here’s a very, very brief version of the City Manager’s Newsletter. See the full newsletter at concordnh.gov.
Road construction updates
Liberty Utilities will be working at the following locations this week:
- Broadway (Pillsbury Street to West Street)
- Centre Street/Liberty Street (at Roundabout)
- Manchester Street (Black Hills Road to Garvin Falls Road)
- North State Street (Centre Street to Pleasant Street)
- North Pembroke Road (Route 106 to Pembroke line)
- Pleasant Street (Spring Street to State Street)
- Wildemere Terrace (School Street to end)
There may be delays, one-lane traffic, possible road closures and encumbrances of parking spaces. Work will generally take place from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday through Friday).
The State of New Hampshire will be installing new steam lines on Green Street and Park Street through November. Work for this week includes possible water line replacement at School Street and Green Street, which could result in road closures and detours.
Chamber of Commerce events
The Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present the following upcoming events for members and the general public:
Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN) November Networking: Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St. Complimentary admission.
Business Before Hours: Tuesday, Nov. 26, 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Hosted by NHHEAF Network Organizations, 3 Barrel Court, Concord. Chamber members $5 prepaid or $10 at the door.
Register for each event at cca.concordnhchamber.com.