Avery Frazier, 7, left, Ally Moore, 7, center, and Ramsey Drapeau, 7, along with Amanda Varney in back, hold up signs and greets runners at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at the finish line at Memorial Field Sunday, October 19, 2014. (GEOFF FORESTER / Monitor staff) Avery Frazier (left), 7, Ally Moore (center), 7, and Ramsey Drapeau, 7, along with Amanda Varney (in back), hold signs and greet runners at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk at Memorial Field in Concord yesterday.
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Over 5,000 participants walked 2.5 and 5-mile routes starting at Memorial Field during Making Strides Against Breast Cancer in Concord on Sunday, October 20, 2013. The event raised $588,567 for the American Cancer Society, according to publicity co-director Kimberly Laro. (WILL PARSON / Monitor staff) Will Parson