Marshall Carey-Matthews (left) from Merrimack Valley Middle School and Oliver Andrews from Andover Elementary School watch as another contestant spells a word at the State Spellin Bee at the Capitol Center for the Arts on Saturday, February 23, 2019. Both students made it into the finall 33 contestants. GEOFF FORESTER

Marshall Carey-Matthews (left) from Merrimack Valley Middle School and Oliver Andrews from Andover Elementary School watch as another contestant spells a word at the State Spellin Bee at the Capitol Center for the Arts on Saturday, February 23, 2019. Both students made it into the finall 33 contestants. GEOFF FORESTER

Marshall Carey-Matthews (left) from Merrimack Valley Middle School and Oliver Andrews from Andover Elementary School watch as another contestant spells a word at the State Spellin Bee at the Capitol Center for the Arts on Saturday, February 23, 2019. Both students made it into the finall 33 contestants.

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