Crystal Reynolds is your new Insider teacher

Crystal Reynolds. Courtesy
Crystal Reynolds. Courtesy

Mom, high school teacher, manager, coach, waitress, housekeeper, nanny, Jasper at Chuck E Cheese, and now local newspaper columnist – just a few of the jobs I have had in my life.

For as long as I can remember I have always felt the desire to help people in a meaningful way. The majority of the time my expertise is sought after and welcomed, and other times… well I’ve offered up my unsolicited healthful suggestions anyway. For the past 333 days I’ve been fortunate to live my dream job, as owner/operator of 43 Degrees North Athletic Club right here in Concord!

Being a new business owner I have learned a lot in a short amount of time, admittedly mostly baptism by fire. As ready as I hoped to have been, nothing had prepared me for the challenges that come with a start-up. I have been blessed with a patient and energetic growing membership as I mastered the art of “on the job training.” I am awestruck at the raw honestly of the personal trials and tribulations of our diverse community becoming more healthful. More importantly I have been humbled by the success stories and the role my passionate team at 43 Degrees has played.

One of my personal goals has always been to share what I have learned with anyone who will listen. When asked by Jon Bodell to contribute to the Concord Insider I was equal parts excited and nervous. Although health and wellness is my passion and hobby, I recognize it is not always at the forefront of everyone’s mind. I feel grateful to be able to share my knowledge with the greater Concord readership.

By now you’re thinking what could I possibly learn from this human? What qualifies me?

Here’s my elevator speech. Officially, I have undergraduate degrees in biology and chemistry, and a master’s in Education Admin and Supervision. I’m a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, a health and wellness coach and have a boatload of teaching experience. More recently my time has been spent as the owner of Studio Fitness, a boutique studio in downtown Concord, and Balanced Life Wellness providing workshops and wellness initiatives in a corporate setting.

But realistically, I am just a mom of two teenagers, face a daily struggle with sugar addiction, try to stay abreast of every trend imaginable to bring my A-game for my clients and give life a good faith effort. I aspire to make becoming healthy simple for busy people and improve their quality of life. I will use this forum to provide useful information, easy small changes that yield results, and answer your burning fitness, health, and nutrition questions the best way I can. Please send any questions, ideas or topics you’d like to read about to

For now, I will leave you with this. Start the New Year off with something achievable. Something small.

Ditch the idea that on Jan. 1, 2019, you will be an entirely new you. Accept that there is nothing wrong with the current you, just the possibility of becoming a more health conscious version of yourself. While I can appreciate turning the page and writing a new chapter, setting unrealistic goals can actually set yourself up for failure. Here are my 5 super simple steps to starting the year off on a more healthful note:

1.Throw away all the sweet treats you have in your house from the holidays. All of them, no secret stashes allowed. Don’t bring them to work either – you will still be tempted to sneak one and simultaneously become an unpopular co-worker.

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Challenge yourself to increase your daily intake of water (coffee is not the same thing as water). Fill a reusable water bottle before you go to bed and leave it in the fridge ready to grab in the morning. Try and drink the entire bottle before lunch break.

3. Get yourself that new pair of sneakers or headphones that you think costs too much. Splurge! Having new gear is motivating and can be essential to forming new habits.

4. Sleep is when the body has time to heal and reset. Start your bedtime routine 30 minutes earlier than normal. It takes the body several weeks to alter your sleep cycle.

5. Do something that has been haunting you on your to-do list forever. Print the photos on your phone, handwrite that card that is long overdue, and purge your closet of items you don’t need or use, and donate them.

Author: Crystal Reynolds / For the Insider

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