The city of Concord’s public information officer, Stefanie Breton, sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Wednesday. The newsletter contained too much information for us to fit into this spot, so we’re just printing some highlights here. For the full newsletter, go to and click the “Newsletter” button on the home page.
Main Street crosswalk update
Over the last two weeks, the city’s contractor, LA Brochu Inc., was able to make a series of minor repairs to four of the brick paver crosswalks on the southbound lane of Main Street.
The remaining three crosswalk repairs require a more substantive addition of an asphalt adhesive base and new bricks. Unfortunately, with the arrival of the snow and colder temperatures, these repairs will have to be postponed until the spring. We plan to have the contractor back as soon as the ground conditions permit. The remaining crosswalks are stabilized with asphalt patches to hold them for winter.
We appreciate the public’s patience as we work to finalize these repairs.
Penacook tree lighting
The Penacook Village Association is holding the 13th annual Penacook Tree Lighting Ceremony on Wednesday at Boudreau Square on Village Street.
Attendees should start assembling around 5:45 p.m. to hear carols and singing featuring the Penacook Elementary School Chorus, enjoy refreshments and watch Santa arrive courtesy of the Concord Fire Department.
Tech Tuesdays at Heights Branch
Stop by Concord Public Library’s Heights Branch at the new City Wide Community Center on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to learn about e-books, downloadables, library databases or any other tech questions you may have. Bring your own device or simply borrow one of our Chromebooks.
Stefanie Breton