The War That Saved My Life
Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
2016, 316 pages
Juvenile fiction
This work of historical fiction begins in the slums of London at the beginning of World War II. It is a touching story of 10-year-old Ada and her brother, Jamie. Ada was born with a clubfoot and her mother chose not to have it fixed. Ada has never left their apartment because her mother is too humiliated to let her outside. When her brother comes home from school talking about how many of the children of London are being evacuated to the English countryside for safety, Ada figures out a way for them to leave their horrible mother and the London slums.
In Kent they’re assigned to crotchety Susan Smith, who lives alone and suffers from bouts of depression. But the three warm to each other; Susan takes care of them in a loving (if a bit prickly) way, and Ada finds a sense of purpose and freedom of movement, thanks to Susan’s pony, Butter. As Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read and watches for German spies, she begins to trust Susan, and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie. Will their bond be enough to hold them together through the war, or will Ada and her brother fall back into the cruel hands of their mother?
Although recommended for grades four to six, I highly recommend it for all ages! The audio performance is also excellent.
And don’t forget to read the sequel, The War I Finally Won. Ada makes her way into the outside world and discovers how to heal.
Linda JonesConcord Public Library
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