Sarah Pearson (right) and her mother Lucie Kinney arrange pieces of a puzzle during a Concord Insider/Monitor team tackle of The Enigma at the Escape Room in Concord on Wednesday, April 25, 2018. (ELIZABETH FRANTZ / Monitor staff) Elizabeth Frantz

Sarah Pearson (right) and her mother Lucie Kinney arrange pieces of a puzzle during a Concord Insider/Monitor team tackle of The Enigma at the Escape Room in Concord on Wednesday, April 25, 2018. (ELIZABETH FRANTZ / Monitor staff) Elizabeth Frantz

A Concord Insider/Monitor team, including Caitlin Andrews (left) and Tim Goodwin, tackles The Enigma at the Escape Room in Concord on Wednesday, April 25, 2018. (ELIZABETH FRANTZ / Monitor staff) Elizabeth Frantz

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