Christa McAuliffe student council members Ella Brisette, Malia Moffett,  Kenadee Couger and Mahalie Burdette grab slices of pizza from Constantly Pizza, Vinnie's Pizzaria and Sal's Pizza during a blind taste-test at the school last week. TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff

Christa McAuliffe student council members Ella Brisette, Malia Moffett, Kenadee Couger and Mahalie Burdette grab slices of pizza from Constantly Pizza, Vinnie’s Pizzaria and Sal’s Pizza during a blind taste-test at the school last week. TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff

Christa McAuliffe student council members Ella Brisette, Malia Moffett, Kenadee Couger and Mahalie Burdette grab slices of pizza from Constantly Pizza, Vinnie’s Pizzaria and Sal’s Pizza during a blind taste-test at the school last week. TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff

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