Book of the Week: ‘The Poet’s Dog’

The Poet’s Dog

Patricia MacLachlan

2016, 88 pages

Children’s Fiction

The Poet’s Dog opens with a poem:

“Dogs speak words

But only poets

And children


And the poem soon proves to be true.

Rescued by a poet, Teddy, an Irish Wolfhound, learned words from his eloquent master, and the two became best friends. When the story opens, Teddy’s poet is gone and Teddy is alone in a snowstorm. He discovers and rescues two children seemingly abandoned in the storm, and brings them to his master’s home. Snowbound for several days, the three have many conversations in which Teddy’s life with his poet Sylvan is revealed.

The storm finally ends and the children are reunited with their family. But what of Teddy? Is he to be alone?

Before leaving, Sylvan had given Teddy a wish for his future. Read the book to find out if the wish comes true.

This story beautifully explores love, grief and friendship. Author Patricia MacLachlan is perhaps best known for her Newbery Medal winner, Sarah, Plain and Tall.

Pam Stauffacher Concord Public Library

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Author: Insider Staff

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