Look who’s trying to find love on Craigslist

We took to Craigslist last week to see who had been posting on the missed connections pages in our neck of the woods during the month of February. And lo and behold, we found all these great entries to share. So here’s a sampling of what we found and could print, unedited, of course.


99 Restaurant – m4w (Concord) – Feb. 26

You are a waitress at the 99 Restaurant in Concord. You worked on Saturday night. You are friendly. You are humorous. You are a very hard worker. You have a perfect _ _ _ _.  Your name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _. You have it all girl.


Fantastic beard – w4m (Concord) – Feb. 25

It’s a long shot, but I saw you at one of the gas stations on N. Main St. Friday night around 7. You were wearing an orange-ish t-shirt and you had a beard that was long, looked to be in your 40’s. Would love to chat it you see this.


Attractive blonde in blue pants – m4w (Concord hospital) – Feb. 25

You were on your way in to an appointment and we exchanged a smile. I was happy to still be waiting when we exchanged another smile on your way out.


Melanie from Dunkin Donuts, Fisherville Rd – m4w (Concord) – Feb. 25

Melanie who works at the Fisherville Rd Dunkin Donuts location in Concord this message is for you. I see you every week when I come in, and I swear every week you get more beautiful. You always make small chat, and have a way of putting a smile on my face. I thought maybe we could talk and just see where things go, not expecting anything serious.


Red/1 from Concord on Match – m4w (Concord) – Feb. 24

I saw you on Match, I am not a paying member but would love to talk with you. I am 55,divorced and very self sufficient. Hope to hear from you. Thanks


Grappone ford – m4w (Concord) – Feb. 23

You were in the service center this morning. We made eye contact a few time and smiled. Maybe we can meet again

Hope you run across this post – m4w (concord area) – Feb. 17

Your initials are MW. There i was standing in line at the store the other day and to my surprise there you and a friend were in line a few people ahead of me,wow its been sooooo many years since I’ve seen you god your still as beautiful as ever.After returning home from the store i sat down for a few after a long day at work and started reminising about all those years we spent together and the many many adventures we had,we had our kicks in the kneecap as every relationship has but the good overweighed the bad hands down.Remember our love nest adventures too yea me too babe it was like we levitated from the bed during our steamy encounters and the feeling of crowning the first hill of a rollercoaster when we fell back to earth and it always ended in the sigh of satisfaction and the whispering giggles of i love you.not sure if you will see this but wanted you to know that yea babe i remember. Please put something we both know in the header so i know its you. P.S I’m single


Burger Joint Beautiful Brunette – m4w (Concord) – Feb. 14

Hi Hope you see this wanted to say happy valentines day. Would love to talk to you sometime. Saw you at 5 guys.


cute blonde at vibes – m4w (concord) – Feb. 12

Hi, I was just another customer, but I really liked your new tat, and your general style! I’d love to get you a beer sometime

Fairfield-Concord – m4w (C0nc0rd) – Feb. 9

The beautiful blonde laundry girl, I was working in your work on Tuesday and thought you were stunning. We both finished at the same time and I wanted to ask you to lunch, but chickened out. If you are interested tell me what I did that had everyone covering their ears……


hannafords – m4w (Concord) – Feb. 4

We crossed paths in the wine isle but we’re both going the wrong direction in the store I smiled at you. Thought you should know you are strikingly attractive.


Crystal – m4w (Concord) – Feb. 2

Crystal I miss you and wondering if your doing ok. Hope all is well with you. Get in touch please.

Author: Insider Staff

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