We know that it’s winter and most people associate ice skating with the great outdoors.
And Concord is home to some great locations to lace up the ol’ skates, like White Park, Beaver Meadow Golf Course, Merrill Park and Rollins Park.
But some people prefer the comforts of the indoors, where they don’t have to deal with the elements. Although you better hurry up if you want to enjoy it, because there’s not a lot of time in the Everett Arena skating season.
Saturday will be the last Saturday public ice skating session of the season at Everett Arena, while Sunday, March 5, will be the last Sunday session of the season.
The last weekday and final skating session of the year will be on Friday, March 10. After that, the ice is removed to prepare for dry floor events in the spring and summer.
Skating hours are Monday through Saturday, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Sunday 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Admission is $5 (kids ages 3 and under are free) and skate rentals are available in the pro shop for $5.
Be sure to get some ice skating in before the season is over.
Visit concordnh.gov/ skating for more info, even though we just gave you more than enough.
Insider staff