Knut: How One Little Polar Bear Captivated the World
Craig Hatkoff with Juliana and Isabella Hatkoff
2007, unpaged
Genre: Children’s nonfiction
This is the story of Knut, (pronounced K’-noot), a polar bear cub who was born at the Berlin Zoo on Dec. 5, 2006. His mother wasn’t able to raise Knut, so Thomas the chief bear keeper becomes Knut’s foster father. Thomas stays up at night to feed the tiny cub and takes care of his every need, just like a human parent would for a baby. Knut grows quickly, and Thomas gives him lots of affection, plays with him and even teaches him to swim! Knut loves to play in the sand, and meets Thomas nose to nose, a friendly polar bear-style greeting. When he is old enough, Knut is introduced to the public, and is treated like a star.
You’ll love the pictures of this little polar bear cub who charmed the world.
Robbin BaileyConcord Public Library
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February 6, 2017
I have so missed Knut & Thomas. Knut’s adventures as a privileged little bear who had an amazing upbringing & yet such short life. I have watched the videos & followed all about what was going on in his life & Thomas. How sad they are both gone, but I do believe they are together, for some reason true love never dies & again I believe there is a better place where they are happy once again, TOGETHER FOREVER!!!