Here’s why these guys want to be Mr. Concord

Chris Brown, NH Distributors president
Chris Brown, NH Distributors president
Tom Raffio, Northeast Delta Dental president & CEO
Tom Raffio, Northeast Delta Dental president & CEO
Tim Sink.
Tim Sink, president, Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce.
Bob Tewksbury, Red Sox sports psychology coach and former All-Star MLB pitcher.
John Cimikoski, owner, Cimo's South End Deli.

Now we couldn’t let a Mr. Concord Pageant take place and not try to see why all eight contestants wanted to be named the first-ever Mr. Concord.

We asked everyone to give us answers to three easy questions to go along with head shots so you could get to know who will be competing this Friday.

Unfortunately, we did this a little late in the week and didn’t hear back from a few of them.

But here’s what we got, and if you want to know about the other three participants, you’ll just have to buy a ticket and go check out the show for yourself.

As for the questions, here’s what we asked:


1. Why should you be selected as the first Mr. Concord?


2. Pageant organizers told us you are keeping your talents a secret, but can you tell us how long have you been working on them? And any hints for our readers as to what they can expect?


3. What will be your first order of business as Mr. Concord?


Tom Raffio

1. I have been a business and community leader in Concord since 1995, and had the foresight to construct an office building in an underdeveloped area of Concord which is now thriving.  I have spent much of my tenure working to educate the community on the important connection between oral and overall health while serving on the boards of many nonprofit organizations, including the state Board of Education.

2.  I have been working on my healthy talent for my entire life.

3. Figuring out how to run the next road race while wearing my crown.


Bob Tewksbury

1. I should be selected the first Mr. Concord because . . . I was born and raised in Concord (maybe other contestants were also, but the tie-breaker could be birth weight!)

2. I have been practicing my talent . . . since I heard there was a talent requirement for this event. I fear I am running out of time.

3. My first order of business if selected Mr. Concord would be to take a trip to Disney Land!


John Cimikoski 

1. Because I was always picked last in all playground games, this would be my way of saying to everybody, “How do you like me now???”

2. I really don’t have any talents and therefore I will be working on my talent on the way to the event . . .

3. If the title comes with an expense account, I will buy everybody a round of drinks. If not, I will buy the judges a round of drinks.


Chris Brown

1. Why not!

2. It will be tremendously useful for everyone!

3. Recruit for next year’s contest!  Spread the word of the event and what the money raised goes for.


Tim Sink

1. I shouldn’t be.

2.  About 47 years.

3.  Paying off my bribes to Steve Duprey and the other judges.

Author: Insider Staff

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