You’ve got five chances to catch ‘Pippin’

Megan Marshall—Insider internThe Bow Performing Arts will perform its rendition of Pippin at Bow High School beginning Thursday night and running through Sunday afternoon.
Megan Marshall—Insider internThe Bow Performing Arts will perform its rendition of Pippin at Bow High School beginning Thursday night and running through Sunday afternoon.
Megan Marshall—Insider internThe Bow Performing Arts will perform its rendition of Pippin at Bow High School beginning Thursday night and running through Sunday afternoon.
Megan Marshall—Insider internThe Bow Performing Arts will perform its rendition of Pippin at Bow High School beginning Thursday night and running through Sunday afternoon.
Megan Marshall / Insider internCast members for “Pippin,” being put on by Bow Performing Arts, work a full cast scene last week during a rehearsal. The show will run Thursday through Sunday at Bow High School.
Megan Marshall / Insider internCast members for “Pippin,” being put on by Bow Performing Arts, work a full cast scene last week during a rehearsal. The show will run Thursday through Sunday at Bow High School.
Megan Marshall / Insider internAbove: Elissa Parker, Lilly Mooney and Allison Leger rehearse a scene from act one. After catching a glimpse of the production, we can’t wait to see the whole thing. Right: Now that’s how you lean back.
Megan Marshall / Insider internAbove: Elissa Parker, Lilly Mooney and Allison Leger rehearse a scene from act one. After catching a glimpse of the production, we can’t wait to see the whole thing. Right: Now that’s how you lean back.

For high school students around the state the months of June, July and August mean summer vacation, but members of Bow Performing Arts haven’t taken any time off.

And with only a few days left before the opening night of Pippin, the cast made up of former, present and upcoming students of Bow High School are putting the final touches on the summer performance.

Last week, we got a sneak peek at act one and if that’s any indication of what’s to come, this is a show you’re not going to want to miss.

Opening night is Thursday at 7 p.m., but shows will also run Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 2 and 7 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m.

If you’re not familiar with the story, it’s about a young prince named Pippin, heir to the Frankish throne, who is in search of the secret to true happiness and fulfillment. He seeks the glories of the battlefield, the temptations of the flesh and the intrigues of political power (after disposing of his father King Charlemagne the Great).

We could let you in on how it ends for Pippin, but you’re going to have to check out one of the five performances to see for yourself.

Since the school year ended, the cast has been rehearsing three days a week to make sure this is the best rendition of Pippin ever done.

Jake Harkins, who just graduated in June and didn’t begin acting until he got to Bow High School, earned the role of Pippin.

“I am excited to be able to end my time at Bow High School with a last performance. I feel it’s my final send off,” Harkins said.

Elissa Parker enjoys the character she was cast for and just loves the different kinds of music this play has to offer.

“I am Berthe, she is Pippin’s sassy gran who takes life as it is,” Parker said.

While Harkins and Parker have defined roles, cast members like Bobby Mullen have multiple parts that add to the show.

“I am many characters in the play such as a noble, newscaster and a player,” Mullen said, explaining that a player is someone who can play many parts.

Big or small, each member of the cast has put their heart into fulfilling their part on stage.

All of the cast members are excited and exploding with enthusiasm to share their talents with the community.

“The community and connection that this play brings, creates an atmosphere that is enjoyable, and gives us the chance to see the talent that the younger kids have to offer to our production,” said senior Karina Thompson.

With a cast of 40 and many playing several roles, director Sarah Evans has worked side by side with her students, making sure everyone knows their lines, and is ready to entertain the audiences for each and every show. With detailed rehearsals that involves laughter, dedication, education and serious passion, Evans does whatever it takes to help the show come together. We even saw her jump on stage to fill the role of King Charles.

Now that we’ve got you hooked, you can purchase tickets online at or at the door. Adults are $12; students and seniors are $7. The performances will be held at Bow High School, 55 Falcon Way.

The Pippin cast is ready to show off their hard work this summer. So make your way to see this performance by the talented group that makes up Bow Performing Arts.

Megan Marshall will be a senior at Bow High School this fall. She has spent the summer interning at the Insider as part of her senior project.

Author: Megan Marshall

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