21C is hosting a color run, and you’re invited

And you’ll definitely leave really colorful!

Those are the packets of color you’ll get if you sign up for the color run fundraiser. And it’s on top of the event flier with all the info, in case we missed something (which we didn’t). (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
Those are the packets of color you’ll get if you sign up for the color run fundraiser. And it’s on top of the event flier with all the info, in case we missed something (which we didn’t). (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)

As the warm weather approaches, it’s hard not to be itching for some outside time.

It’s also the perfect opportunity to revisit that exercise routine you swore you’d start when the calendar switched to 2016, but never got around to.

Although running for miles on end can be boring sometimes. There’s only so much Katy Perry and Beyonce we can handle before each passing stride becomes more increasingly painful. So anything to break up the monotony of a sweat-inducing workout is very much welcomed.

And what better way to make things a little more interesting then with a splash of color. You’ve probably seen those runs where entrants are doused with all kinds of vibrant (washable) colors as they make their way through the designated course. They’re called color runs (which we find quite appropriate) and sure do look like a blast.

We’ve never done one, but it probably doesn’t even feel like you’re exercising most of the time because of all the fun you’re having. That and because of the cool color patterns that are all around you.

Sound interesting? Well good, because the 21C program – you know, the one this issue is centered around and you can learn a whole lot more about if you look at the next page – is hosting a color run fundraiser and wants to see how many people they can get to sign up. The run isn’t until April 17, so there’s plenty of time to train, but it’s never too early to sign up. Plus, we know how your social calendars fill up once the warm weather hits, so we figured the more notice the better.

So here are the details.

Registration opens at 10:30 a.m. the day of the event with the run around Rollins Park starting at 11:15 a.m. It’s a 5K distance, but there will also be a shortened version for those who don’t feel like doing the whole running thing and would rather walk and enjoy getting colorfied.

Cost is $25 for the general public. Teachers only have to pay $20 and students are $15 after putting in the promotional code, which can be found at the 21C color run website. It’s kind of got a weird address, so just Google 21C Concord School District color run and you’ll find it.

To sign up, visit ConcordColorRun.eventbrite.com. Everyone who registers by April 4 will receive an event T-shirt, which will not look anything close to the same once you’re done.

There will be color zones strategically placed around the course with volunteers spraying as you run by, so just think of how colorful you’ll be when it’s over.

And don’t forget to wear white, but again just don’t expect to go home that way.

For more info and sponsorship opportunities, email Courtney Campbell at c​campbell@sau8.org.

Insider staff

Author: The Concord Insider

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