Missed Connections: A ride to the Heights and Marky Mark

We at the Insider like to scour Craigslist’s Missed Connections to see if anyone in Concord is talking about our amazing performance in the Taco Gigante challenge is finding true love online. Here, presented unedited as always, are some of the best recent entries:

Brunette in Walmart Halloween aisle – m4w (Concord)

I was shopping with my daughters and couldn’t help but notice how pretty your smile was….hoping maybe your smile was for me? Loved your style and that alluring “cuteness” that I’m sure has all the guys chasing you, but I’m different than them and would love a shot of making you smile again!

I enjoyed our brief exchange so much it prompted me to find cutest needle in the haystack I’ve ever seen!

Msg me if you happen to see this…. I’ll be your best friend if you do!

gave you ride to the Heights Wednesday – m4w (Concord)

I offered you a ride home Wednesday, a little after 1:00. I won’t go into too much detail, as you said you didn’t want any drama. We talked about what we each do for work, and you said you liked the color of my shirt. I believe I said I liked everything about what you were wearing.

I hope I see you again, and I will give you a ride anywhere!!!

If you see this, please respond. I’d love to connect beyond a random encounter. : )

Concord Hospital – m4m (Concord)

We met over a month ago in the Concord hospital visitor lobby area. You black t-shirt, shaved head, and nice arms. You were there waiting on your Mom. Felt a connection, but I hesitated. Saw you again as I drove out, you waved…. Would like to chat over coffee or drink. Tell me why you were visiting and what I was wearing or driving, so I know it is you. Long shot, but hope you give me a shout.

Dark and Stormy vs.Moxie Float – m4w (Concord)

In an effort to refuse letting go of summer; I went to Market Basket to get Ginger Brew and Limes to complete my favorite summer drink- Dark and Stormy.

As I was approaching the checkout line…I saw you. You were so lovely; exquisite to say the least. I got in the express lane. For a split second I was looking at the next lane over when I noticed you were behind me- I maintained my favorable position improved by your presence. I don’t think I would have said anything , but you asked “are you making dark and stormies?”

(I should note that I NEVER know if a woman is just being pleasant and personal, or if she is sending me signals of interest).

“Yes” I smiled, quite off guard.

You had some sort of Soy Ice Cream and two mini pumpkins. You informed me that you were going to make Moxie ice cream floats.

I don’t even care that you would choose Moxie over root beer…I will be thinking about you for weeks. You may very well have been the missing piece to my hearts puzzle. At a glance you were a perfect fit. I could learn a thing or two from the Moxie you displayed.

If you read this, know that you were appreciated respectfully, and that you are a treasure worthy of a king, As I recall your beauty over the coming weeks, I will yearn to know what you’re like as a person, what your belly laugh sounds like, and what your hair smells like~

You made my day.

My Marky mark – w4m (Concord)

I first saw you at my doctors office where you work and then at my work. Your initials are J.R we have talked about how you sound like mark wahlberg and how he is our favorite actor. I see you all the time and we talk often, so I should just ask for your number but I am too shy. Hopefully you see this and email me back See you soon

Penacook Lady – m4w (Concord)

I saw you walking again today….it was hot but you looked okay. You wear blue gym shorts and were walking passed 30 Pines and down towards Penacook center. Blue shorts, head phones, ponytail swinging while your lips were moving to the music you heard. You looked over at the cars passing by and smiled….I think it was for me.

I am a man in my 50’s, divorced and comfortable in life. My kids are grown. I hope to see you again. I have never done this but can’t stop thinking about you. Your beautiful and your smile is brighter than harvest moon in October. Don’t go away…..

Author: The Concord Insider

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