Classic Concord Photo – Tue, 31 Dec 2013

This photo came to us from reader Earl Burroughs, and features Butters Tavern, a famous hostelry back in the days of stage coaches and river boats, located on South Main Street opposite West Street. Fun fact: It took so long to take a photo back in those days, that couple out front left the house to pose and by the time they turned to head back, the entire structure had been overtaken by leafy greens. So they just stayed out there. (Important follow-up fact: the Insider’s fun fact fact-checker is on holiday break).
This photo came to us from reader Earl Burroughs, and features Butters Tavern, a famous hostelry back in the days of stage coaches and river boats, located on South Main Street opposite West Street. Fun fact: It took so long to take a photo back in those days, that couple out front left the house to pose and by the time they turned to head back, the entire structure had been overtaken by leafy greens. So they just stayed out there. (Important follow-up fact: the Insider’s fun fact fact-checker is on holiday break).

This photo came to us from reader Earl Burroughs, and features Butters Tavern, a famous hostelry back in the days of stage coaches and river boats, located on South Main Street opposite West Street. Fun fact: It took so long to take a photo back in those days, that couple out front left the house to pose and by the time they turned to head back, the entire structure had been overtaken by leafy greens. So they just stayed out there. (Important follow-up fact: the Insider’s fun fact fact-checker is on holiday break).

Author: The Concord Insider

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