Dear Casper and Bill,
I have a huge crush on a handsome lawyer who’s representing my soon-to-be ex-husband. He’s smooth, intelligent and his butt looks great in legal briefs. We’ve talked a few times, and he seems into me, but I’ve heard from women around the water cooler that he’s “tried a lot of cases,” if you know what I mean. Any objections to me getting with him?
Dear Courtesan,
Can we meet him? Please. Who wouldn’t like a smooth handsome lawyer who is intelligent with a great butt and nice briefs. Since he's “tried a lot of cases” that’s enough references for us. . . sorry I mean you. Don’t listen to the so-called ladies around the water cooler. They only want to be a case number for Mr. Buns. Have your own trial, if you know what we mean. Be patient. You must wait until your husband is your ex and then go for it, honey, if you know what we mean. You'll be one more of his tried cases. Case closed. If you know what we mean. Hussy.