I'd like to tell you about a group of dynamic people here in Concord: the Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN).
CYPN was created almost 5 years ago as an initiative of the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce to help retain young people in Concord by providing non-intimidating networking opportunities, as well as personal and professional development.
Since then, we have grown significantly and expanded our programming to include a quarterly Enrichment Series, monthly Lunch & Learn programs and even a softball team. We have also worked hard to integrate CYPN into our community by partnering with local nonprofits on events such as Main Street Concord's Upstairs/Downtown Walking Tour, and forming a team for the Rock 'N' Race, as well as creating a “Community Connections” page on our website connecting young professionals with volunteer opportunities.
Of course, none of this is possible without all the hard work of our dynamic, dedicated committee members. In addition to the Steering Committee, we have three sub-committees that have evolved over the years. Our committee members are passionate about our mission and innovative- always looking for ways to create opportunities to not only engage young professionals but to make Concord a vibrant, attractive place to live and work.
So I would like to say a big thank you to all of CYPN's committee members who have worked so hard to make CYPN what it is today.
Each month, the Concord Insider will be featuring information about CYPN: who we are and what we are up to. In the meantime, for more information about what we do, please visit our website, concordypn.org, or like us on Facebook.
And please join us at our next event at the Residence Inn on Wednesday, Aug. 17 at 5:30 p.m.
Jessica Fogg is the events manager for the Courtyard Marriott Grappone Conference Center and chair of Concord Young Professionals Network.