Dealing with an apathetic bride-to-be

Dear Casper and Bill,

I'm getting married to a great guy next year. We're currently in the throes of wedding planning – a time that's supposed to be fun and exciting. All of my girlfriends want to help me plan down to the last detail.

The problem? I don't think weddings are that big of a deal. I don't care about the linens on the tables, I don't care about the dance floor, I don't care about my bridesmaid dresses. My hubby and I just want a simple, basic wedding that's more like a giant party than anything else.

I'm getting overwhelmed and annoyed with how complicated everyone wants to make this. How can I tell my loved ones to back off without being rude or them thinking I'm some sort of Bridezilla?

Dear Less is More,

This is your wedding, not theirs. Stand up for what you want and think of the huge $$$$ savings by doing it your way.

If you really don't want a big and aggravating affair, why not seriously consider eloping?

If your beau really loves you, and he is not into a pain in the backside wedding, think of all the fun you both will have by planning the big day on your own terms and surprising everyone.

Think a Bermuda cruise for the two of you, maybe a weekend in a nearby resort in the North Country, or how about a fun trip to Disneyland? You should not give into all the marketing pressures to make you unhappy.

As my buddy Bill Shakespeare wisely said many years ago, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” I'm not sure if this applies to you, but it's the only Shakespeare quote I know.

Author: The Concord Insider

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