Digital privacy talk

Science Cafe New Hampshire will return to The Barley House on Oct. 19 to discuss “Digital Privacy: Safely Surviving in an Online World.”

In an age where our financial, personal and corporate dealings are increasingly taking place “in the cloud” and cell phones can track our every movement, the question of how to maintain your privacy, or whether digital privacy is even possible, is increasingly relevant.

As always with Science Cafe New Hampshire, the discussion will be entirely driven by questions from the audience. They can range from concern about Facebook privacy settings to technical queries about password phishing, to exploring the intersection of regulation and technology – or whatever else comes to mind. (The only rule: No politics!)

The free event will feature Cameron Shilling, a partner at McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton who leads its Privacy and Data Security Group, and a representative from Comcast, which isn't just the state's biggest cable TV company but also, by some measures, its biggest internet service provider. The two-hour cafe, moderated by Dave Brooks of, begins at 7 p.m. in the basement of the Barley House. The restaurant's menu of drink and food is available. The only requirement is to bring an open mind. For more information, visit

Author: David Brooks

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