Rain barrel contest

The New Hampshire Lakes Association is asking all schools in Concord and the surrounding area to participate in a rain barrel design contest. Students can participate as an organized group or as a class to design and paint a rain barrel. The painted barrels will displayed throughout Concord during the spring leading up to a community event where people can purchase and decorate their own rain barrels.

This program is designed to educate students and the community on environmental concerns related to water quality and water conservation while highlighting the steps that can be taken on a local basis to prevent excess pollutants from running off into lakes and rivers. The barrels are attached to downspouts on buildings or placed in strategic locations below rooflines to collect and store rainwater runoff so that water can be used later in beneficial ways. Collecting rooftop runoff water reduces the amount of polluted water that flows off of the landscape and into nearby water bodies. This also reduces the amount of water that owners draw from wells and/or local water supply plants.

To participate or for more information please contact Vicky Stafford via e-mail: vicky.stafford@merrimackccd.org or call the Merrimack County Conservation District office at 223-6023. The deadline for school participation is Feb. 28.

Author: The Concord Insider

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