Bill Dunn orders a round for John Lennon and MLK

Bill Dunn mans the bar at Tandy’s Top Shelf.
Bill Dunn mans the bar at Tandy’s Top Shelf.

Name: Bill Dunn

Bartender, Tandy's Top Shelf

How long have you been a bartender?

Thirteen years, all in the Concord area

How did you get into the profession?

I've been in restaurants since I was 10 years old. My mom is a bartender, and my dad is a chef.

What is the strangest drink order you've ever taken? Have you ever been stumped?

I've been stumped, sure. A lot of people go to other bars and come here and order someone else's special drink. As for strange orders, I had one customer who used to order warm tequila with a side of Tabasco.

What is your favorite drink to make?

I like to make things up on the fly. People will say, 'Bill, make me something,' and I say 'Sweet or not sweet?' and just throw something together. Nothing beats a good whiskey on the rocks, though.

What is the hardest drink to make?

Anything with 1,000 liquors in it, like a Grateful Dead. Or a mojito – anything when you have to muddle or mash something.

Do you have a specialty drink?

I do a version of an empty glass, put my own twist on it. It's just a mix of about six different alcohols and some fruit juices.

Bartenders are often thought of as a confidant. What is the most unusual story a patron has shared with you?

I've had a few situations where the same two people decided to take a trip to the parking lot together and come back and each tell me the story. But you hear everything, from infidelity to people who claim to know a bunch of movie stars, which you know isn't true.

What is the protocol for shutting someone off at the end of the night?

You try to do it diplomatically. Offer them a water, say 'I'm not going to serve you any more drinks, but you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like.' Basically you just try to temper them out, offer them food and soft drinks or something like that. Just don't embarrass them.

If you could serve a drink to anyone in history, who would it be?

Maybe Martin Luther King, Jr. I don't know if he drank, but I wouldn't mind having a beer with him, just sitting down and hearing him talk. Or John Lennon would be interesting to talk to. They're both people with a nice view, a dream about the world.

If you could only have one last drink, what would it be?

Johnny Walker Blue on the rocks. That's all I need.

After which famous bartender do you model your tending style: Tom Cruise from Cocktail, the ladies of Coyote Ugly or Ted Danson from Cheers?

Ted Danson, easily. Maybe a little bit of Woody, too.

What is your favorite bar snack?


What is your stance on umbrellas in drinks? How about tiny swords?

There's no need for it. If you're looking for that from me, you're probably in the wrong bar.

Author: Keith Testa

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